What’s changed?

New look landing page

When you log in, your landing page will look a little different. The layout and colour scheme has been adapted to reflect more modern styling and to improve your experience when using mobile devices. With My Subjects now aligned to the left of the screen, you will always see this most used module at the top in mobile or tablet view. You may notice that some of your personal modules are no longer visible but you can add your favourite modules again by accessing the Add Module button on the top right of the screen.


New subject site features

Drag and drop files

Instructors can drag and drop files into the content collection, onto content items, assignments and other tools. Students can drag and drop assignment submissions.


Discussion board posting from mobile devices

Participants can read, respond to and rate discussion posts more easily from hand-held devices


Submission receipts and tracking

Students will now receive submission receipts for Blackboard assignments as well as Turnitin assignments


Course activity reports

Course activity reports can now be filtered by groups for more efficient loading

Quick reminder function for late coursework

Instructors can send reminders to late submitters directly from the grade centre

For a detailed look at the new features visit the UTSOnline Help Pages.


Qwickly Update

Your productivity enhancing suite just got better! Qwickly not only allows you to centrally send announcements, add content and manage your subject site availability but now there’s more…

Add content from the Cloud

Visit the Qwickly Help page to find out more about attaching material to your subject sites from Google Drive / OneDrive / Dropbox and Box.

Students can use Qwickly to submit their Blackboard Assignments from Cloud drives. 

Take attendance

Did you know you can register attendance in the UTSOnline Grade Centre with the Qwickly Attendance Tool?  Learn more here






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