In March, IML is offering a series of workshops designed to give casual academics new to UTS, or to our IML workshops, an opportunity to participate in a range of practical and popular, interactive sessions. The workshops provide a collegial forum for exploring learning and teaching and our UTS Learning.Futures education strategy.  They are also a great way to network with other academics working across the university over morning or afternoon tea. If you have a UTS casual teaching contract you will be paid for participating.


Workshop topics:

1. Introduction to Learning.Futures in qualitative tutorials
2. Learning.Futures in quantitative tutorials
3. Introduction to teaching first year subjects
4. Active learning in UTSOnline
5. Engaging students with authentic assessment and feedback
6. Using feedback to develop students’ communication capabilities
7. Active and collaborative learning in the classroom


For more information about these workshops, including a description of each one and information about how to register, please check out our What’s On page.


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