As UTS moves into its 30th year, it’s time for senior exec to prepare the long-term strategy, not surprisingly called ‘UTS2027’. So, what’s the plan?

This time around, they’re doing things a little differently.

Rather than limiting strategy discussion to a few, a number of challenges facing UTS have been defined and are open to the broader UTS community to comment on. Using a collaborative ideas platform, called ‘Crowdicity’, you can contribute to the discussion online, to submit your own ideas to these challenges, or vote on those ideas proposed by your colleagues. And if you don’t want to address it alone, you can form a group and submit a group entry. It’s a chance to give your voice to the future of UTS.

Six challenge areas have been defined. but we think there are two that academics across UTS will have much to add to. See below.

Get cracking: Importantly, If you’ve not yet submitted an idea, voted for ideas pitched by your colleagues, or heck even logged in – it’s time to do so now! Head to before Friday 27 April, when idea submissions close.


An excellent environment for staff

  • How will we best support academic staff in the future?
  • How will we equip and develop academic staff, recruited into our new models of teaching and research, for success?
  • How will we maintain a desirable workplace and compete effectively for talent to deliver high-end services which are not able to be sourced by other means?

Just some of the Ideas posted so far…

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An excellent student experience

  • What are the key features of this excellent and seamless 2027 student experience?
  • What steps do we need to take to make this a reality?

Some ideas so far…

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Ready to add your voice?

Log on now to

  • As a graduate who is finding it extremely difficult to get an interdisciplinary proposal started through an honours project this couldn’t come at a better time! I’m particularly interested in creative social and political research which at this time is limited due to a problem in interfaculty communication and a somewhat limited perspective on academic creativity.

  • […] Simon Buckingham Shum – Professor of Learning Informatics, Director of UTS Connected Intelligence Centre, and researcher in Collective Intelligence and Online Deliberation platforms – walks us through idea management platforms, crowdsourcing and how best to lend your voice to the UTS strategy discussion happening online right now. […]

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