This month in the LX.lab, spark creativity with your learning and teaching practices with our upcoming events and workshops!

1. Canvas Training

Tue 17 September – 20 November

If the thought of building your Canvas site seems a little daunting, well, don’t worry. The LX.lab team have put together four training sessions to help you prepare for your upcoming MakerSpace.

2. Stream videos in Canvas with Kaltura 

Tue 5 November 

Learn how to upload and share videos directly into your subject site in Canvas or UTSOnline, with Kaltura. 

3. 2019 UTS Teaching and Learning Forum 

Tue 12 November

Join us for the 2019 UTS Teaching and Learning Forum, a day to share learnings around blended learning, authentic assessment and more. WIth presentations by UTS academics, it’s a day to network and see inside a variety of learning experiences across campus. 

4. First and Further Year Experience Forum

Fri 22 November 

We have lots planned for the end of year first and further year (FFYE) forum on 22nd November from 1.30pm. Come explore Adam Morgan’s collection of students’ transition experiences, FYE grant achievements, digitally aligned to LX.Transformation and build our own capacities and strengths. 

5. Using scenarios, futures thinking and Lego to boost learning outcome 

Tue 26 November 

In this one-hour workshop you will get hands on experience of the techniques that have been found effective in varied teaching contexts, and you will explore the relevance of these to your own teaching, and to discuss adaptations that may help them work effectively in different pedagogic contexts. 

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