There’s an abundance of free information and data out there and it’s increasing by the second – why not put it to good use? Free resources like this can be used to explore current global issues in your next research project, develop and refine data analysis skills or feed fascinating experiments in data visualisation!

Open data is freely available, easily accessible and is usually under a Creative Commons licence that allows it to be used openly with attribution.

Here are some common (and interesting) open data sites to get started:

Australian-specific datasets

State-specific datasets

International datasets

For something a little different…

Where to find more

There are endless open data portals and collections on the web and most are easy to find. Search for a topic with the phrase “open data” in your search engine, and you will find plenty of websites providing open data from government agencies, institutions or independent groups. 

You might need to be wary of the legitimacy of independently-sourced datasets. Journey through Data, a short UTS Open taster course, helps you get started on looking at data with a critical eye and explore your own biases and assumptions.

The UTS Library also has an extensive list of datasets and statistics available in a study guide and instructions on how to cite data. You can also keep a collection of all your open data sources with the new UTS Library Reading List and access them directly from Canvas.

If you’d like to share any other awesome open data sources, let us know by leaving a comment below!

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