When we spoke to Dr Amanda White back in 2017, the UTS accounting and audit extraordinaire had just won an AAUT Citation for her learning and teaching practice. Well known in the UTS community (and beyond) for her innovative approach to what some may consider to be a traditionally ‘dry’ subject, Amanda has continued to break new ground in her practice. In addition to her teaching work at UTS, Amanda has a YouTube channel watched by thousands around the world (AmandaLovesToAudit), has championed academic integrity at UTS through her research and with the Carnival of Consequences short film, and most recently, been awarded with the highly prestigious Australian Award for University Teaching.

Back to that 2017 chat with Amanda. At the time, we took the opportunity to ask her about her experiences, and about what kind of advice she might share with others in learning and teaching. We’ve decided to revisit that interview, and Amanda has kindly provided a video with new answers to the same questions. We all know a lot has changed since 2017 – hit play on the video below to find out if Amanda had any surprises in her updated answers.

Our (updated) interview with Dr Amanda White

Where to find Dr Amanda White?

Amanda will also be presenting a keynote at the 2020 Vice-Chancellor’s Learning and Teaching Awards Ceremony. Don’t forget to register via the link below for the livestream, happening on 31 March.

Feature image supplied by Amanda White and UTS MCU.

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