

Futures blog

A co-design process for learning innovations

By Mais Fatayer,

Elaine Huber shares her experiences of co-designing with a large team on the 'Connected Learning at Scale' project.

Futures blog

Call for applications: 2021 Reimagine Education Awards

By Education Portfolio,

Have your innovative approaches to teaching made a difference to student learning this year? Applications for the 2021 Reimagine Education Awards are open!

Futures blog

How we hacked Miro to design better digital workshop experiences

By Aby Dotulung,

A little imagination, the right tools and an opportunity to experiment turn digital workshops into a new strength for the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Unit.

Futures blog

Balancing learning outcomes in partner projects: lessons from Innovation Labs

Work-integrated learning needs to balance the needs of both students and industry partners. Add remote work and learning environments, and the challenge is on!

Futures blog

Could you be the next Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert at UTS?

By Amanda White,

Find out more about what it takes to become a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and the benefits you'll get from being involved.

Futures blog

The Inclusivity Experiment: inclusive education by design

By Rashmi Mohotti,

In an increasingly globalised world, with greater attention paid to environments that suit a wide range of people in a range of circumstances, inclusivity is more important than ever. Thus, The Inclusivity Experiment was born.   As an initiative built to challenge conventional ways of thinking about inclusivity, The Inclusivity Experiment couldn’t...

Futures blog

The art of Reflective Practice with UTS Pharmacy and the Connected Intelligence Centre

By Elise Flynn,

UTS Graduate School of Health has joined forces with the UTS Connected Intelligence Centre to establish a new method of providing feedback for postgraduate pharmacy students, winning a teaching innovation prize in the process! Read on to find out more about the collaboration.

Futures blog

Innovative information: get involved and keep your students listening

By Mackenzie de la Hunty,

So you tell everyone you love teaching...but how do you show it? Coming up with new, innovative ways to convey important information to your students is paramount - so what are you waiting for? Get innovating now!

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