

Futures blog

#UTSTLF17 snapshot: using debates as a learning and teaching tool

By Harriet Scott,

If you missed this presentation at the UTS Teaching and Learning Forum, catch up here!

Futures blog

#UTSTLF17 snapshot: developing professional skills with authentic assessment

By Annette Dowd,

If you missed this presentation at the UTS Teaching and Learning Forum, catch up here!

Futures blog

#UTSTLF17 snapshot: owning the rubric in first year at UTS

By Sue Joseph,

If you missed this presentation at the UTS Teaching and Learning Forum, catch up here!

Futures blog

#UTSTLF17 snapshot: investigating graduate attributes for high school students

By Darrall Thompson,

Did you miss one of the presentations you wanted to see at this year's learning and teaching forum? Take a look at the first in a series of snapshots of presentations from the day.

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