Technology: Canvas

Canvas subject shells

Published by LX Team |

A Canvas site for a new subject is preloaded with a Canvas subject shell. A Canvas subject shell includes:  A subject homepage A Get started module, to help you orient students to your subject A sample module A checklist of things to do before your Canvas course gets published...

Subject Information guide

Published by LX Team |

Access Subject Information in Canvas To find Subject Information, navigate to your subject site in Canvas and select ‘Subject Information’ from the course navigation menu on the left. Your Subject Information should display automatically. It may take a few seconds to load. In a multi-subject site, select the Switch...

Online subject with 12-weeks lectures and tutorials

Published by LX Team |

This model is suitable for: Fully online subject Online lectures and tutorials Any cohort size Subject with heavy theoretical contents The subject coordinator of 54052 Economy, Society and Globalism from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) needed to convert his subject into a fully online mode. He had never...

Plan your subject site

Published by LX Team |

When using modules, it is helpful to think of your subject site as a textbook. Each module is a chapter with an overview, content, activities, reflections, and a summary. Each page is provided in a sequence for students to work through, though in the LMS you can add in...

Groups in Canvas

Published by LX Team |

A Group Set is a set of groups you create to use for assessment tasks, or to organise categories of groups. You can have up to 200 groups in a Group Set. When creating a group set via ‘+Group Set’, you can choose to:  Allow students to sign up to a group within...

Use Canvas Groups and Pages for collaboration

Published by LX Team |

In Canvas, subject content and resources are presented to students on Pages. In addition, you can set up these pages to give open access to students, allowing them to contribute to and edit their own content – just like a wiki.  Enable students to edit To do this, go to the...

Wikis and editable pages for student collaboration

Published by LX Team |

The term ‘wiki’ is used to describe website pages that can be collaboratively edited by a community of users. The most prominent example of this in action is Wikipedia, essentially a collaboratively edited encyclopedia that is now one of the most ubiquitous sources of information on the internet. Because pages...

Calendar in Canvas

Published by LX Team |

The Calendar sits above Inbox on your navigation menu: The Calendar automatically syncs with other features in Canvas, such as Assignments, Syllabus, and Grades so if you create, change, or delete the due date of an Assignment on the Calendar, it will show up in all the others and...

Conversations Inbox in Canvas

Published by LX Team |

Conversations is accessed via the Inbox icon on the Global Navigation Menu.  If you right-click (or option-click) on the Inbox icon, you can open your Conversations in a new browser tab to keep it handy while you are doing other tasks in Canvas. The video tutorial below (4:13) will...

Copying and sharing content in Canvas

Published by LX Team |

The Direct Share feature in Canvas means you can share and copy assignments, announcements, quizzes, discussions, pages and modules quickly and easily. You can send content directly to another user in Canvas, or copy content into your Canvas courses. You will find the option to share or copy in...

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