Technology: Canvas

Create Canvas Outcomes at a faculty sub-account level

Published by Richard Ingold |

Click on ‘Admin’ in the Canvas global navigation menu. Then, select the Faculty sub-account that you have administrative access to. Click on ‘Outcomes’ in the sub-account navigation menu. In the window that appears, click on ‘+ Group’ to create a folder to hold the required CILOs or PLOs. Enter...

Export Canvas Outcomes data from a faculty sub-account

Published by Richard Ingold |

Click on ‘Admin’ in the Canvas global navigation menu. Then, select the Faculty sub-account that you have administrative access to.  Click on ‘Settings’ in the account menu and then select the ‘Reports’ tab . Locate ‘Outcome Results’ . Click on the corresponding ‘Configure…’ button to configure the...

Export Canvas Outcomes data from a subject site

Published by Richard Ingold |

To download Canvas Outcomes data from a Canvas subject site, you must first enable the Learning Mastery Gradebook. To do this, navigate to your Canvas course settings and select the ‘Feature Options’ tab.  Look for the Learning Mastery Markbook row. In the ‘State’ column, ensure that the enabled button...

Mark with Canvas Outcomes

Published by Richard Ingold |

Navigate to the Canvas SpeedGrader, click on the submission you want to mark and then click on ’View Rubric’.  Mark the submission using the rubric. Click on the corresponding CILO or PLO to record a student’s level of achievement of this learning outcome. Click ‘Save’ to record marks. 

Add Outcomes to a Canvas Quiz question bank

Published by Richard Ingold |

Navigate to the Canvas Question Bank containing the questions you will use in your exam. At the bottom of the right-hand menu, you will see ‘Align Outcome’.  Choose the Outcome being assured in your quiz from those listed. (To learn how to import Outcomes see Importing CILOs or PLOs...

Add Outcomes to your Canvas Rubrics

Published by Richard Ingold |

After navigating to the Assignments section of Canvas and clicking on the assessment you want to work on, you can create a rubric by clicking on ‘+ Rubric’. For more information, see this LX.lab guide to rubrics in Canvas.  To add the CILOs or PLOs that have already been...

Import CILOs or PLOs into your Canvas subject as Outcomes

Published by Richard Ingold |

To import CILOs or PLOs into your subject site as Outcomes, click the ‘Outcomes’ link in your subject’s navigation menu.  In the ‘Setting up Outcomes’ box that appears, click ‘Find’.  Click on ‘Account Standards’.  Click on your Faculty name. You will then see all of the folders containing the...

Introduction to Canvas Outcomes

Published by Richard Ingold |

Outcomes can be aligned with Canvas assignment rubrics to track student learning.  When a student’s work is marked using a rubric, their achievement of an aligned UTS learning outcome can be recorded at the same time.   Outcomes can also be attached to Canvas quizzes via a Question Bank. In...

LX Accessible Content Practices

Published by LX Team |

Some students might experience barriers when accessing content in your subject. Adding content to your subject sites and learning materials in a certain way can help remove these barriers and create an inclusive and accessible learning environment. We asked our Digital Accessibility Ambassadors – UTS students with lived experience of...

Content structure: accessible practice

Published by LX Team |

A clear and logical structure is a basic foundation of accessible digital content. Structure refers to the layout and format of your content. Well-structured content benefits all of your students and is critical for students who have cognitive or learning disabilities, students who use screen readers, students who only...

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