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This resource demonstrates the process of integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) in assessment design.
The process of integrating OER in assessment design requires some changes to an existing assessment. However, we found that the assessment redesign doesn’t require change of the learning objectives.
Read two books from the Assignment 1 Booklist. Create a Venn diagram depicting the similarities and differences that emerge as you compare the ideas in the two books. Include a focus on communication and learning, language, culture, belonging to and exclusion from a group, religion, traditions and values, socioeconomic and linguistic background, relationships, and formal and informal learning.
Even though students enjoyed the original assessment task, there were a few issues:
Critically analyse and discuss the impact of language, culture, cultural identity and linguistic background on communication and learning, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners (Australian Professional Standards for Teachers [APST] 1.4).
Using the six learning activities design, collect, reuse, package, license and publish from in the OER development model, the subject coordinator explicitly included the specific tasks students are required to do while rewriting the new assessment. The new assessment was described to students as in the following:
Students were asked to create two digital professional learning activities or resources responding to early years educators’ professional concerns (using a list provided by the course coordinator). For each professional learning resource students were required to add a separate digital file in which they provide clear instructions, explain why the activity or resource is an appropriate response to the educators’ concern and how it contributes to reconciliation and/or intercultural communication and list links to guiding documents.
The evaluation instrument that can used to assess the fitness of student-generated learning resources to OER includes:
Technical: assesses the proper illustration of using features of content authoring software tools to deliver functional learning resources. The criteria also evaluate the design and presentation, and the reusability of the learning resource.
Openness: the learning resource is flexible to be retained, reused, revised, remixed and redistributed. The criterion also requires the availability of learning resources under an open publishing licence, searchability by other learners and currency.
Educational: This criterion evaluates the accuracy of the learning contents and supporting material such as exercises, clarity of structure and learning objectives, alignment of content to learning objective and well referenced.
Offering students adequate technical workshops to raise their awareness of OER and upskill them in the use of content authoring tools. In this case study, the course coordinator required students to use Google Docs as this tool allows for flexible collaboration between the students and the course coordinator. Other tools that can be used include WordPress and H5P.
In the end, students publish their educational resources using Creative Commons licenses via an institutional open repository or existing OER repositories. In this case study, the outcomes of student renewable assessments were published as open textbooks using the PressBooks platform. The following resources were generated from implementing this assessment:
Use this interactive H5P module to go through the steps to create your assessment components.
Build | Assess |
1 hour | 30 min per submission |
MS Word or Google Docs (non-UTS)
Example for UTS users. Please import/download from Canvas Commons
Example for users outside of UTS. Please download from Canvas Commons public folder, then import it into your Canvas site.
In every academic semester, students generate a surplus of assignments in different disciplines. Some of the assignments are repurposed, however, the majority are rarely utilised, rather they get archived for a few years and eventually thrown away. Further, Tualaulelei (2020) has argued that there is a lack of integrating renewable assessments in learning and teaching. This abundance of knowledge production comes in a variable quality and often can be repurposed. In 2010, Clay Shirky coined the term ‘cognitive surplus’, in which he describes the creativity and generosity that online communities create as a result of collective intelligence and collaboration with the driving force of intrinsic motives.
The massive number of assignments generated by students can be described as “learning surplus”.
In this case study resource, we suggest that by tapping into the surplus inside classrooms, students and academics can create value for themselves and the community. This resource presents an example of utilising the Open Educational Resources (OER) development model (Fatayer, 20216) that taps into students’ assignments and repurposes the abundance of knowledge inside classrooms in order to create open resources that benefit other learners.
Fatayer, M. M. (2016). Towards a sustainable open educational resources development model: Tapping into the cognitive surplus of student-generated content. Western Sydney University.
Shirky, C. (2010). Cognitive surplus: Creativity and generosity in a connected age. Penguin Press.
Tualaulelei, E. (2020). The benefits of creating open educational resources as assessment in an online education course. In ASCILITE 2020 Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, Armidale University of New England Virtual Conference 30 November–1 December 2020 Conference Proceedings (pp. 282-288).
Fatayer, M., Tualaulelei, E. (2022). “A case study: 5 steps for integrating the OER in renewable assessment”’ in Adaptable Resources for Teaching with Technology, LX.Lab, Institute for Interactive Media & Learning, University of Technology, Sydney.
“A case study: 5 steps for integrating the OER in renewable assessment” by Mais Fatayer and Eseta Tualaulelei, availble from The Adaptable Resources for Teaching with Technology collection, LX.Lab, Institute for Interactive Media & Learning, University of Technology, Sydney under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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