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  • I like the intro to the blog. I am really intrigued as to what the snow globe diagrams would be so I kinda wish they were attached in the draft. The second to last paragraph is a huge wall of text and it probably would have been better to have some extra paragraph breaks in there.

  • I found parts of this blog a bit hard to understand. You state that ‘The pH of the environment has the ability to alter the ionization of a drug and therefore the pKa of the drug’ The pKa of a drug is a constant it does not change although the degree of ionisation will.
    pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration (not just ion).
    You also state that ‘When an acidic drug has a high acidity, it becomes harder to absorb and the same occurs in basic drugs the more alkaline they are’. This is the wrong way round – weak acids are more unionised at acid pH values so better absorbed. Its correct at the end when you discuss excretion. the drug does not have the acidity it is in an acidic environment. J

  • I really like how you explained pH and pKa, and I hope you will be able to do the same when you start to talk about absorption and excretion. Maybe add more subheadings for the other parts and have the red borders for the pictures a bit thinner? Overall like your content and examples.

  • Hi Ihona, i like the introduction into your blog as well as your subtitles where you ask questions which engages the reader to think about the answers. I think your blog is lacking images on the second page of your blog. It might help if you break the paragraphs or sentences down into smaller sentences. Overall, good job.

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