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  • Hi Aye,

    I think the structure is well organised, I do however think you would benefit with a few changes.
    – I feel that the opening doesn’t really capture the attention of the reader it may be worthwhile to think of some questions to ask to invoke thought?
    – The diagrams may need rework so that it conveys your message more clearly and easily it is a bit confusing to read. Possibly even a graph? or a statistic images. I think you have already mentioned that “LD50 is the amount of dose that is required to kill 50% of the tested populations” within the body of the content no need to repeat this in the diagrams?
    – I feel that the lack of consistency with the fonts or the colours makes it difficult to read. Maybe rework on the colour scheme to improve the appeal. Overall however it’s good and on the right track.

  • Hey Aye, I thought that your content was quite well written! Using paracetamol with those examples are really quite a good way to get the point across. Only thing I thought could be improved was maybe the background colour.

  • Hi Aye,

    As suggested, current colour is a bit dull – I would also change it. However, overall although the information is there, it is difficult to understand/ follow. First and foremost there are many grammatical errors that need to be fixed, as this will make it easier to read and more understandable as well as the overall flow of the information. Consistency is also important, you have the ’50’ in LD50/ED50 subscripted initially, then you didn’t. Reference also goes before the full stop. Your current definition of ED50 is incorrect, please revise (it’s not 50% of the dose, it’s effect on 50% of popn).
    In terms of your figure, first one is confusing – I’m not sure in which sequence to read and what relates to what. Second one – unclear what it’s talking about either, paracetamol? needs a legend.
    Equations are not really that informative: key ideas like you need to measure the therapeutic index are more important. It could be a bit more engaging in general and also you need to convince the reader why it’s important to determine the parameters.
    Lecture notes are not a peer-reviewed source.

  • Hi Aye, this is a really good draft. I do think you could change the background color to make it more visually appealing. I also think, you should be cautious of the formality of the language and consider revising some sentences so that they include more active language and are more colloquial, so that it is more reader friendly. The topic is also quite dense, so you might consider an analogy to make it a bit lighter and easier to follow. Otherwise, a really great draft. Good luck!

  • Hi Aye,

    For the title, it looks good but maybe you change it to a question (to attract the reader), e.g. Are all drugs toxic? This will get the reader thinking. Also, as the comment before me suggested, i think the colour of the background could be changed to something light and colourful. You can also add more colourful pictures and diagrams, e.g. picture of a drug. In the introductory paragraph, you can make it more engaging by asking a reportorial question maybe? Try to make it look more like a blog and not an information report. Lastly, try to proof-read your blog before submitting it. For example,

    ” But some drugs can also have adverse drug reaction (ADR), where therapeutic dose
    was given but it cause unwanted side effects and harm. But this can be determined by calculating
    the ED50 and LD50.” You have repeated ‘but’ twice, try to change one of them maybe.

    Overall good job. Best of luck!

  • Hi Aye,

    I think the use of the brown background with white diagrams and photos could be changed into something more visually appealing.

    But, the information on the blog is very informative and easy to read, especially the scientific explanations.

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