I would like to receive the feedback on how I am going with this draft so far. Need to fix the references and the layout, and add all the other information. Thank you! blog-draft


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  • Thank you for this informative article! I’m currently working on a piece about alcohol consumption during pregnancy and found your emphasis on leadership and vision inspiring. It’s clear that a strong vision can shape impactful strategies, much like how clear guidelines in health can drive positive outcomes. I’ll be refining my references and layout for better clarity, and your structured approach has been motivating. Any advice on balancing data presentation with a compassionate tone?

  • Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can have Drift Hunters serious implications for both the mother and the baby.

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  • Hi Sandra,

    Great title! Immediately entices the reader! What I would say is that, the layout of your blog needs working, and maybe a more colour. More images/diagrams would be great too – as it would tie everything together and make your blog look more appealing to the eye. Your content is quite complicated, and it’s more academic style. I think you should revise that, and focus more on conversational English. This would gain more attention, and would also allow the reader to comprehend and digest the concepts you’ve explained.
    Great job though!

  • Hi Sandra! Your information is very well planned out and organised! I really like how you worded your subtitles as it engages the audience and allows them to think. You have done a very great job so far. Good luck

  • Hi Sandra,
    I really like the layout of your blog, it made your information very easy to read. I also like how you have used subheadings and questions to separate your information. Perhaps you could add a couple more pictures/colour to make your blog really stand out, but I think you have done a great job overall!

  • Really good structure and format. Use of imagery is relevant and interesting to but I feel like there should be more insight and information into how and why it is bad for women and their babies and also the language should be catered to a more general public tone. I really think this blog however will be shaping up to be real hectic so keep it up!

  • Hey Sandra,

    I think the title is great and the information is laid out really well. Since it is a blog post I think you can maybe add in a picture that draws the readers that want to learn about pregnancy and how to have a healthy baby ( maybe a photo of a mum and a baby!?)

    Other then that keep up the good work and I think the titles during the blog are great also 🙂

  • I understand that you are still developing your blog.

    Good job on using NHMRC guidelines. I suggest that you mention that the 2009 guidelines are being developed as of March 2018, and these are still the current guidelines.

    “In Australia, according to the National Drug Strategy Household survey conducted in 2010,… any more recent stats?

    Emphasise that during pregnancy, safest option is NOT to drink. You might want to ensure that the reader focuses on this bit of your blog.

  • This is a good blog post, its really engaging and simple in terms of the content and you have explained the concept’s well! The formatting looks good and is laid out well as its easy to read. Maybe a tip could be to make the research section a bit more simplified when you are talking about the studies around the guidelines of drinking. Also I agree with the other comment about putting the references in superscript so they are less obvious!

  • Hi Sandra, I think this blog looks really good so far. I really like the casual sort of approach you’re taking with the language and the title is very eye-catching. For the references, I think a better idea would be to put the numbers as a superscript so that they’re not so distracting while reading the blog and it also makes it very clear to everyone that they are in fact reference notes.

  • So far it seems to be good! The content is engaging and easy to read. I also think its really good how you have split the information into seperate paragraphs, but agree the tittles could be altered – not sure about the use of the word “anyways”, its a little bit informal. My suggestions for improvement would be mainly to do with the layout, i think you need to add it a bit more colour, maybe some shapes and boxes, and change the font? looking good!

  • I think this looks really good so far! I like how you split it up into headings that are very accessible and interesting – one thing I might suggest is making them a bit shorter so they have more impact (e.g. “What Guidelines should I follow you are asking now?” to “What Guidelines Should I Follow?”). The layout is good and makes the post easy to read. My last suggestion would be to add a bit more colour or blog-like design elements but overall I think this is really good and engaging 🙂

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