
(Visited 82 times, 1 visits today)
  • I really enjoyed the beginning with the case study as it introduced the topic well! As others have mentioned the design of the blog could be improved as well as the first image as it is a little unclear. At the end of the blog when you are talking about the drug Phenytoin you could introduce the section better by explaining a little when the drug does/what it is used for before going straight into talking about its half life. Other than fixing that last section the blog is very good.

  • The case study made for an interesting blog opener. That said, I’d imagine it may be a little too dense for some to follow given the sentence length and use of pharmacological jargon. Using a more casual tone here may help, particularly with the explanation of first and zero order kinetics. Additionally, I found the placement of figures along with their poor size/quality to be jarring. Greater references to journal articles would also be advisable.

    Good luck!

  • -Incorporating a colour scheme would be pretty easy to do and would definitely boost the appeal of your blog.
    -Your title and introduction is very engaging and catches the reader instantly, however, a clearer diagram would increase that engagement by a lot.
    -Overall, your writing is concise and effective but there are a couple of concepts, such as first/zero-order kinetics, that could be explained in a much simpler way and could really enhance your blog.

  • Also – some of the diagrams are a little blurry, maybe see if you can increase the quality so they are more readable before the final submission! Best of luck

  • I like how you have split up your blog post with some great headings and have included diagrams. I think it would be good to add in some colour or maybe change the background colour to make it more fun and interesting! I really like how you started off your blog, it was very engaging and conversational. You could try and include this conversational tone and use of analogies in the second half of your blog to try and limit the scientific jargon so someone with no prior knowledge could understand the topic! Also for the final submission remember to move the reference list to a separate page! So far so good 🙂

  • Hi,

    Very interesting introduction to the topic at hand, engaging and keeps the reader interested. However, there is a lack of in text references in sections of the text that really need it. The references list is also an issue. As listed in the marking rubric, please use peer reviewed sources and unfortunately the validity of some websites remain uncertain. There was a direct link to a journal article provided however its best to present your references in a simple UTS Harvard style, instructions to which, can be found on the UTS library website under “UTS references”.

    Some of the figures you used seem to lack context, and so as it stands, they seem to take unnecessary space. Figure 1 is a good example of how to use figures to support your blog however figure 2 and 3 aren’t referred to in text, so its difficult for the reader to see the context of your images.

    This is still a great draft blog! Keep working hard!

  • Information-wise, your blog is spot on. It’s not difficult to understand and flows well. I agree with the previous comments regarding having a good colour scheme to frame your blog. With your bibliography, don’t forget to follow the referencing format. It’s obvious you have done your research and have good knowledge of you topic. Besides a few touch-ups, I think you’ve done a good job.

  • I agree with the previous comments, whilst the article is comprehensive to those with a scientific background, I think you might need to rephrase certain explanations, especially towards the end of the blog. I did find the article interesting however I think introducing some relevant images to incorporate some colour would also make the blog more engaging.

  • Well written blog, the content is easy to understand and is well supported with the use of graphs and images. The use of subheadings is also good as it makes it easier to read. In regards to the layout, maybe a bit more colour could be used for the subheadings as bold and black is a little bit bland. And don’t forget to do fix up the references. Great blog on the whole.

  • Your title is very catchy and your introduction with the alcoholic patient was very engaging. However, I do believe your blog is a little too complex for someone with little pharmacology knowledge. Although you have mentioned first order and zero order elimination, you have not explained what they are! Explaining them early on would help a reader engage with the rest of your blog.

    Regarding layout, I think your blog could use a little more colour.

  • Very good layout and easy to read with a good flow however near the end get a bit to complex for someone with no background knowledge, this blog can be further improved by a better colour scheme, in text citations and proper referencing, overall good job.

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