pharmacology blog draft

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  • The competitive scene in Krunker is thriving. I enjoy watching tournaments and matches featuring skilled players. It’s inspiring to see the level of talent and creativity, and it motivates me to improve my own gameplay!

  • Hi Leana, great layout of so far. Your introduction was informative and simplified which makes it easier to understand. I like how you brought in the idea of ethics and regulation for commercialising and healthcare cost in the discussion, it is refreshing and interesting. Great planning!

  • Hi Leana, your blog is looking like its coming along nicely. I like the layout, it should be really eye-catching once there are some images in there.

    For your final version I’d suggest using different sub-headings, we don’t see discussions and conclusions very often online! It may also be a good idea to include in-text citations so readers can do their own research. Look forward to seeing the final product!

  • Hi Leana,

    Like the others have said, your layout and style of your blog is great how it is.
    Nice colour scheme and your intro helps to draw in the user.
    Just remember to use in-text number referencing when you get around to it.
    Possibly include pictures as well to help it stand out more.

    Keep it up.

  • Hi Leana,

    I absolutely love the layout of your blog! I think when you have some colourful images in there it will look great!

    The intro is really good too, made me want to really continue to read the rest of your blog. I think an example of clinical trial will be so good. Just make sure that it will be easy to understand as well!

    But good job and keep it up for for the real submission!

  • Hi Leana,
    The structure and layout of your blog looks really good. Based on the pieces of information you have provided, it is a really good start to your blog. However, make sure you include in-text referencing to avoid plagiarism ! Good luck !!

  • Hi Leana,
    So far the formatting and layout of your blog looks amazing. From the notes made you seem to be going on the right track. From your introduction your wording is a little ‘stiff’ and more professional, so asking rhetorical questions and using more colloquial language may help to engage a wider audience. I would recommend have a real life example to help solidify the concept in the reader’s mind.

  • Hey Leana, I really like how you have designed your blog! It looks awesome and is so different to what everyone else has done. I really like the font you have chosen, it gives the document a blog feel! Definitely include some coloured diagrams – they will look great with the black and white background and stand out nicely. When you are finishing your article, try and create a more conversational tone and limit the scientific jargon used so someone with no prior science knowledge could understand your topic! Looking great, keep it up.

  • Hi Leana, i like how well you structured your blog and how you specifying each part with a specific heading which makes it easier to flow. i understand this isn’t done, everything is going well so far,try not to have the dot points in your conclusion and have it as a body and put some relevant photos which am sure you will. also, be aware of the in text reference throughout your blog. good luck.

  • Hi Leana, I quite like the structure and formatting of your article, going off what you have written, your discussion and conclusion seem to be heading on the right track. I think that your idea to include both a successful and unsuccessful clinical trial will be good too and might be worth making a note of why they were unsuccessful/successful in your discussion.

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