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  • Solid start Alexander!
    Based off what you’ve got going so far, it seems like you’re presenting a lot of information which can probably seem overwhelming for readers. On the other-hand, the sources that you’re probably using for you information seems to be great, so stick to it.

  • I like the info but you don’t really explain what xenophobes are and other large scientific terms, so maybe write out somewhere what a definition of it is.

  • Good start on your blog so far! I do agree with the above comments, however, regarding some of the language you have used in your blog. Remember the target audience for this assignment is aimed at people who have no idea about science and especially CYPs! I would suggest simplifying your title, as at the moment it is too complex and sounds like a title that you would find in a scientific article rather than in a blog. Also, the structure at the moment also currently resembles to that of a scientific article so maybe look at introducing some subheadings and colour to break up the information for the reader.

  • Hey Alexander, really like your blog. I’ll be giving you feedback according to the criteria and what is needed to achieve full marks.

    Accuracy: The information you provided is very factual. I know you are completing your blog but you are on the right track.

    Translation: The language is still very technical (I assume you are writing it like this just to gather info for the draft). Just make sure you avoid words like “isoforms” and “efficacy”, since it is very scientific. I would also suggest to look at other reputable science blogs to adopt a style of writing you like. This way it makes it easier to write engagingly, succinctly and clearly.

    Presentation: You can add more photos so the readers can visualise what you are writing.

    Sources: great sources.

    Pharmacological skill: By the sounds of it you have great understanding of the pharmacological aspect.

  • Good use of information so far, your layout is good but maybe use subheadings to break the information down into sections to make it easier to read. You might need to draw up some diagrams and label your existing images to make sure the audience understands your topic better. Wish you the best.

  • like the others mentioned , i know the blog isn’t done but there doesn’t seem to have a nice conversational flow. I would suggest either finding a topic where you can incorporate the information you need or use a fun way to talk about it. Goodluck

  • Looking good! Language so far used is really easy to understand and follow. I would recommend adding in a figure for the image and incorporating it into the text so it all links. Small grammar errors but only draft so well done !!

  • I really like the layout of your blog. It is quite different to others I have read and it is nice to see a different take on the layout! The information is great however I would consider trying to make the content more conversational with a little less scientific jargon! It could also be split up nicely with some headings/underlining or bold words. Good luck with the rest of it 🙂

  • good start on your blog,just when you use images make sure to label them and explain what they are about. also try explaining what CYP stands for. you might want to add headings before some sections to distinguish them from other sections.

  • Although the blog is not completed, the information you have so far seems to be pretty good. In terms of the layout, maybe adding spaces in between the paragraphs and sub headings could enhance the layout and make it easier for the readers to read.

  • As you have mentioned the blog is not finished however, what has been written is of quite good nature. A few things to keep in mind is to make sure that the language is quite simple. You want someone who has never heard of the topic to be able to read this and understand the gist of the article. The second thing is to make sure that when you input an image to have a figure box underneath outlining what the image is depicting.

    The use of columns is very good however the inclusion of subheadings will enhance your ability to deliver what you want to say easier.

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