
Draft for Amit Signh Chawla – 12550950 – Topic 8

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  • Hi Amit,

    Well written blog. Nicely structured few spelling and grammatical errors need to be fixed. Nice way to explain on the enzyme-substrate complex. overall a good blog.

  • Hi Amit,
    Lots of scientific jargon that may confuse those readers without a scientific background but excellent use of analogies (cracking of eggs) and diagrams which help to consolidate the information!

  • Hi Amit, great blog! The colour and layout is extremely appealing and immediately gets the reader engaged in your blog. One thing I would recommend is trying to reduce the amount of scientific jargon you have used so someone with no background knowledge could understand the blog. You have done a great job simplifying some of the concepts however some of the chemical equations make it a little complicated to understand. Along with this, you could try to adopt a more conversational tone. I like how you have put in phrases such as “Ok but why does this matter (p.s you have made a typo and accidentally typed ‘buy’)”, if you could incorporate more phrases like these or try and discuss your content using an analogy that may help! Overall looking great 🙂

  • Hi Amit, really enjoyed your article, I found your use of laymans terms useful however I would be careful to make sure you don’t over simplify as this could lead to a diminishing of importance

  • Hi Amit,
    Your layout and colour scheme is really eye-catching ! Having smaller paragraphs and having writing on 2 sides of the page looks very professional and makes it easier/more enjoyable to read. Your conversational tone is what’s needed in this blog, so good job!

  • I like the layout of the blog, it’s simple and there are a few images, but I think you should probably add a colour background to make it more ‘blog like’. The information seemed to be all there but you should try to have some text to explain why you put the images in there.

  • Excellent blog amit! It is well researched and flows really well. I like how you used subheadings and structured your content in sections as it provides context and makes it much easier to read. Fantastic use of relevant diagrams which add colour and references to support your explanations. Not only is the topic well researched but the use of examples and analogies helps the reader to really engage with the blog. A more conversational tone and less scientific jargon would further help will readability but overall great blog.

  • The information presented here is well researched and presented in a way that lay people could understand. The support of images to the text can be more described but overall it is well written and very interesting.
    Some parts of the sentences could use less jargon.

  • Hi Amit, Excellent work on your draft, the other commenters have given some fantastic feedback that I think will really take your blog post to the next level.
    I love the first page, but I think the second page may be a little bit too busy, you may want to consider taking out some of the images, or reducing the amount of text a little. Make sure you check that spelling and grammar for your final submission.

  • Liking this so far. Nicely laid out with good use of images/diagrams. You seem to have used the referencing properly which is great. Maybe make your headings stick out more? It might be worth while reading over your final version for spelling errors and grammar mistakes before submitting. Keep up the great work.

  • Hey Amit, found the blog to be a pretty good read, though I found that some of the images and diagrams are sort of there, maybe a little integration into the text would be nice. Otherwise, I quite enjoyed it.

  • Hi Amit, overall i thought it was really well written and easy to understand. I think it might be a good idea to further explain your diagrams because some of them were quite confusing and to also check your spelling errors. Other than that, it’s a good blog!

  • The blog is very well written and structured and is also visually laid out in a manner that is easy to follow along with. However, it may be better to refer to some of the images more, rather than them just sitting there unexplained. The section about the monooxygenase reaction is also quite complex and could be simplified for the layperson.

  • Hi Amit,
    The content of your blog is comprehensive and the use of analogies and engaging headings makes it easy to grasp. Your diagrams are extensive however I think would benefit from captions for clarity. There are a few spelling errors as well, but that’s a minor issue to fix. Overall I enjoyed reading the article.

  • You have used a great choice of diagrams which are easy to understand as well as the information you provided. However there were some spelling errors that you’d might want to check , other than that great job !

  • Hi Amit! I think everyone has already said everything about your blog: except for small things like some spelling errors and lack of captions for the images, it is of a very high quality due to the engaging language, titles and analogy. I just wanted to clarify that since we are using numbered in-text referencing, you should NOT have your references in alphabetical order, as Anita suggested. Your current referencing style is perfect. Alphabetical order is only used when you use worded in-text references, where the author’s name and year of publication are used. Good luck for your final blog! 🙂

  • Hi Amit, I really enjoyed your blog. I found it easy to read and to follow- using the cracked eggs to explain this topic was a very good choice; both eye catching and informative. Apart from a few grammatical errors (and the reference list should be in alphabetical order), well done!

  • in the beginning of your explanation of CYP450, you might want to explain what a haem molecule is. Love the heading titles for each section and good use of images.

  • Hi, I found this blog very informative and easy to read/understand and overall is very promising. However, if I had to critique something, there are some formatting issues on the second page above the sub-heading ‘Ok, buy why does it matter?’ (I believe the spelling of ‘buy’ in this subheading should be ‘but’ also) with the figure labelling “fig. therapeutic ranges with polymorphism”. I think it would also be nice to have some of the diagrams be explained a little bit more as some may be a little confusing. Other than this, awesome work!

  • Overall, the blog was well written and straight forward to understand. The way the blog is laid out and the use of diagrams is really good as it helps to understand the written component. Other than a few grammatical touch ups and adding an extra sentence or so on describing the diagrams and pictures used the blog, on the whole it was a good article! well done!

  • Hi Amit, your blog looks really great. The use of many images/diagrams makes the blog more visually appealing while also making it easier to understand. I think it might be a good idea to number the figures, “fig 1” etc. rather than just “fig” for each just because it took me a little bit to understand the caption on the top right column on the second page and what it was referring to. Otherwise, it is a good blog and shows a deep understanding into the topic.

  • Overall a relatively easy to understand blog. I particularly liked the ‘cracking the egg’ analogy as not only did it make the concept easier to understand, it also drew my interest back into what the article was about. Other than some minor formatting, grammatical and spelling errors, I thought it was overall pretty good article. The images used also added value to what was being written and clearly served a purpose.

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