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  • Hey Anita, your blog was great! Information was well written and the scientific jargon was easy on the eye for someone who has no scientific background at all. However the layout seems to be a bit cramped and could be set out a little better. As mentioned before your images are stretched out. If they were made smaller there would be more room for the paragraphs to be spaced out. Also note that there isn’t any in text referencing. But other than that your blog was awesome!

  • Your blog is brilliant! I love the title and the way its written was good. I was impressed

  • Hi Anita, your blog seems really good so far. You have good information and the images accompany what you have written really well. However, as stated above increasing the spaces and creating more paragraphs as well as including a short description underneath the images briefly explaining what they show might make your blog better. On the whole good job

  • Nice work, clear and concise yet informative. The structure lends itself to being easy to read but might be a little too technical for non scientific readers. I think it has been mentioned before but don’t forget in-text references also, otherwise, great work.

  • Hey Anita, really like your blog. I’ll be giving you feedback according to the criteria and what is needed to achieve full marks.

    Accuracy: The information you provided is very factual. You did cover every nitty gritty information that needs to be known.

    Translation: You do need to change the way you have written your blog ( I assume you already have since it is a draft). The language seems to be very technical and it feel a bit advanced for non science background readers. You do need to set a purpose or story behind why you are writing this blog. As mentioned before, it is very factual but not quite engaging. So try and put forward a reason/story as to why this is important to know.

    Presentation: You just need to rearrange a few of your sections, it is a bit squashed together. Their seems to be no transition between each section making your blog a bit clunky. Try to create a flow between each of your section, this way we can see a connection between all the information you gave to us. Also allows, your blog to clear and succinct.

    Sources: great sources, just don’t forget in in-text reference.

    Pharmacological skill: You have great understanding of the pharmacological aspect.

    Great efforts, keep going!

  • Hi Anita, in terms of understanding your blog on a non-scientific background level, you did great. I like how you defined a few concepts straight after using them. Such as “Two important enzymes… have the ability to transform these forms of alcohol – also control the amount of alcohol that stays in the bloodstream and the rate at which it is removed.”

    What I would suggest is that you break up the paragraphs with headings or just a few fun lines that could engage the audience. Some of the direct information would be a lot to take in and understand and having a punch line in between could inform the reader why it’s important to know that piece of information. Bright images would be a great help too!

    Other than that, I think you did a great job! Good luck 🙂

  • Hi Anita,

    Just a few suggestions:

    – To add more colour, maybe try to add a colourful frame to the blog, just so it doesn’t look all plain white
    – Make sure you submit the document in a pdf format
    -Have a figure title for the diagrams you have
    – Make sure you don’t include long paragraphs of text, maybe few boxes or break down the text into smaller paragraphs. For example, on the 2nd page, you have few points and facts about genes, you can include them in a separate box.
    – In-text citation
    – Try to make the blog more colourful, maybe make the subheadings in a different colour
    – If you think there is too much text after editing it, you can do 2-columns
    – Try to make sure that the images you include are not blurry

    Otherwise, I think your blog is really engaging. Good luck!

  • Hi Anita, the information you chose to include as well as the tone of your blog were both very well done! The only advice I could give you would be to use a few subheadings (maybe in a different colour?) to break up the text a little and make the layout a bit more interesting, as well as formatting your images so the text wraps around them so you don’t have to stretch them out. But otherwise, good job and good luck with your final submission!

  • Great work on the blog so far! Information was great, really enjoyed the conversational tone. The images were a little hard to see, and perhaps breaking up the text a little bit would assist in the engagement of your audience. Also adding a little colour or ‘fun facts’ between the paragraphs would aid in the flow of the blog. Otherwise, looking good!

  • Hey Anita, your blog content is easy to read and understand. Your opener is really good and grabs the readers attention. It does seem a little bit cramped as others have mentioned. I think some colour and spacing would really help bring more attention to it.
    Maybe consider breaking up the paragraphs a little more, as well as some of them, are pretty wordy!

    Good job so far!

  • Hi Anita, your blog looks really great, and the way it is written is very clear however maybe consider increasing the spacing between the lines and paragraphs to make it more clear as well as try to use some subheadings in order to keep the readers on track with the blog and the information you are trying to get across. All the best.

  • Hi Anita, this blog is really great and very clear. The flow of writing is fantastic. The layout of the blog could do with a reorganisation, as others have mentioned above. The ending is a little bit abrasive, and could be fixed by adding a conclusive sentence to the end of the blog. Good luck!

  • Hi Anita, this is a great blog! The information is very clear and conclusive, but I did find that the way your paragraphs were spaced made it seem very crammed, which detracts a little bit from the information as it makes it seem overwhelming. Your layout could also do with some work, jut to make pictures less stretched out. Also being conscious of sentence length would serve you well. Overall, great effort.

  • Hi Anita! The content of your blog, including the title, is fantastic because the language you’ve used is very engaing and easy to understand for anyone incluing people wihtout any scientific background. The highlighted intro is also great. Something you could improve on is the layout by making it more blog like. The images should not be that strecthed out, especially the second one which shows ethanol metabolism as it is hard to read. You should also caption the images. Good luck with your final blog! 🙂

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