
(Visited 53 times, 1 visits today)
  • This site looks better and better every time I visit it. What have you done with this place to make it so amazing?!

  • I liked your humour in your blog, bringing a smile to a serious topic which usually gets neglected but should be spoken about. Your blog was good however a larger title would have gained more attention.

  • Hey Nikhil
    The layout of your second page is really good, while your first page needs work. You should consider adding section titles to help split up the content and guide readers. The Did You Know? box is really cool.
    Good job overall!

  • I liked the opening sentence as it gave a shock value and was engaging. The hypothetical story was also clever and engaging. The blog is very informative, especially with the facts on the side and the conclusion at the end wrapped it up well , good job 🙂

  • Hi Nikhil,

    I love the ‘did you know?’ column! I also think it’s really good that you mentioned post birth effects of alcohol consumption. I think maybe you could have included a note on how alcohol causes FAS. [damage to the brain and spinal cord ect] The presentation of this blog was really nice! However, I would make the title larger as it would make the overall blog more attractive.
    Overall, it was a good read!


  • Hi,
    I like how you write the introduction. It really helps attracting the audience eye. But however,you should put more effort in redesign the title because the title is not seem like big enough. In addition, you should put subtitle for each section you are explaining on to let the audience has a rough idea before reading the content. The structure of the blog could be improved and it will become a really good blog.

  • Hi Nikhil,

    Love the introductory blurb, really grabs the attention of the audience and I’m sure is a relatable experience for a lot of mums. The first page has excellent groupings of text with easily digestible amounts. The title of the blogger, however, needs to be quite a bit bigger to balance the visual aspects of that first page.

    The did you know section on the second page is a nice touch, however, something is a bit off with the formatting. Hard to put my finger on it but I think there’s to much vertical free space. On the other hand there is probably a few too many words in each paragraph on the second page.

    The concepts themselves are very simply put and makes it a succinct an enjoyable read.

    Good Luck

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