
(Visited 40 times, 1 visits today)
  • As others have said your layout and overall design is really good but your content is too technical. Some parts of this blog sound like what you’d find in a scientific journal. Maybe simplify concepts and pick one thing you want to explain using analogies, and expand on why the reader should care about it.

  • I really liked how you sectioned different parts of the blog as it made it easier to read and less overwhelming than one big slab of information. The first diagram was simple and easy to understand, this helped with connecting the information. Although I think the second diagram is a little too complicated and crowded, which takes a bit of time to relay it back to the information, but overall a really nice blog 🙂

  • Good work. The diagrams used are very helpful in explaining the concept, and compliment the information you have discussed so well done in selecting these. Loved the addition of the fact box. I would however recommend reducing the text as some sentences are long and get confusing!

  • Hi Jonathan,
    The overall design of your blog is great! Very appealing to the eye! Title is good, but try rephrase it to make it more captivating for the audience. In terms of your content, it is slightly too wordy, and I think that causes the reader to lose interest. So, maybe try shortening your sentences/paragraphs, as it will definitely allow the reader to digest the key concepts you’re explaining, and will also assist in retaining information. The use of colour throughout your blog is appealing to the eye – it isn’t too distracting, nor is it dull.
    Overall, good job so far!

  • Hi Jonathan,
    First, the blog looks excellent. The layout is good and it is well stuctured. Each paragraphs is short but it’s abit hard to understand some of the content. So my advice is to rephrase the words and make it easier to understand. In addition, a catchy title will makes it even better.
    Overall, it is a decent blog.

  • Hi Jonathon,

    Very well presented blog. The color scheme is nice and makes reading easy without distracting or taking away from the text. The text itself is probably too wordy and in too large chunks for the blog format.

    Your visual aids are positioned well contextually however the second diagram could probably be simplified. The headings are nice however I feel the use of a real-world example throughout could enhance the audience immersion and encouraging reading.

    A very strong opening and with some fine tuning could be amazing.

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