
(Visited 76 times, 1 visits today)
  • Alcohol is my favorite indulgence, and beer tops the Retro Bowl College list. The variety of flavors and styles make every sip an adventure.

  • Very well written! I think you could refer to figure 1 in your explanation of ethanol metabolism to help the reader follow along because it seems as though it’s just sitting there. I did enjoy the layout and your use of statistics in the introduction – it’s a great way to lead into your topic!

  • The column on the left may confuse the reader, whether that bit is separate from the main body or not.

    Are you able to describe what enzymes are? What is a gene? –Rest of blog parts are explained simply.

    Well-researched and thorough answers to the guide questions. Catchy intro.

  • Hi Clarissa,

    The layout of the blog is attention grabbing and the title is catchy as well. My only recommendation would be to try and simplify the scientific concepts (jargon) a bit more so that your reader can follow along with ease. Apart from that, well done!

  • Hi Clarissa, it is an appealing blog with great design. The information is simplified and engaging for the reader. I like your use of statistics and your example of the ‘asian flush’ as it is informative and makes it easier to understand and visualise.

  • Great looking blog, the way it is designed is great to look at and makes it more interesting for the reader to take in

  • I found the article interesting and really its layout. The use of subheadings and rhetorical questions is also good as it makes it easier to read and helps engage with the well researched content. On thing to note is that in your introduction you mentioned that “drinking can lead to many
    adverse health consequences” yet in your conclusion a good idea would be to take a medication which causes the build up of the major toxic metabolite of alcohol. Great blog on the whole though!

  • Hello, your blog is really engaging and informative, great use of various resources. The only thing I would suggest is changing the colour of the font because it is unclear with the white background. Good luck

  • Hi Clarissa,
    Your blog looks great and has a very nice design. Most of the information is easily digestible however maybe its a good idea to simplify some of the Chemical equations and concepts for the reader as they are a bit technical at the moment.

  • Hey Clarissa

    Super pretty blog, very eye catching and the information is great as it’s relevant to the point your’re conveying maybe switch out some pictures and rearrange the 2nd page as there are some spaces and inconsistencies. Other than that amazing blog and I hope you get a good mark.

  • Hi Clarissa,

    First, a catchy title is used and a very strong introduction is written to actually backup your point of view. The layout is good and the blog is well presented. However, the body and content is too long and you might need to break it down to a several paragraphs. And I notice that there are some quite big spacing between last and second last paragraph. The image could be changed to a nicer or clearer image because it is kind of blurry.

  • Hi Clarissa,

    Really nice design, especially with the image running down the side of the first page. Your intro is a nice way to bring in perspective and link it to the reader, however, I feel you could work on it and develop an idea that could run throughout the blog.

    The title of the second graph could be changed and the text on the second page could be broken down a little more into more digestible sections for the reader.

    Overall I think some core biochemical and pharmacological concepts could be explained a little simpler either with an analogy or just breaking down the elements. This could also indirectly help with the wordiness of the second page.

    Good Luck with your final submission!

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