
(Visited 99 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hey the layout is really nice however the font is hard to read. i like the questioning in it and the titles are really creative.

  • Your article is written very well, I enjoyed the way the French paradox was woven through it to create more of a narrative. I think your diagram on the mechanics of alcohol metabolism could benefit from simplification – it’s very sciencey and could be conceptualised to make it easier to interpret. I think your last page could also benefit from another heading apart from just mechanics to break it up more, maybe ‘Effects of Alcohol’? An image may also help it become more visually striking. Overall a great article!

  • Great use of diagrams as well as your source of information , however just a suggestion maybe to summarise or simplify some of your information so that it is easier to understand. Awesome blog though !

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