
(Visited 49 times, 1 visits today)
  • Your blog is simple and easy to understand, the layout is good however it looks too plain with the lack of colours, try to use some colours to make it attraction. Also, try to use journal articles or google scholar to back up your information. goodluck

  • Hi,
    The layout is very good, however there isn’t much use of colour. Enlarging the picture which show the cycle of g-protein would be beneficial as it is small and is barely readable. Great explanation of the topic and it’s application. Overall, a great job.

  • Hi! I also did this topic and understand how difficult it can be to understand! But you did a great job! I especially like the part about the opioids. One thing that i might say is that, maybe an introduction about receptors in general could be helpful for anyone reading the blog. Your audience can consist of people with different educational backgrounds. But overall, good job 🙂

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