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  • Hi Saeed,
    I assumed you just added the info and probably have the blog layout on another document? If not, don’t forget about making it a blog layout so add pictures and text where needed. The anti-venom is really long, so just be careful when adding to the final submission, as we don’t want it to be information overload.

  • Hi Saeed,
    1) as already mentioned by others, you will need to format this to suit the blog layout, add pictures, diagrams ect.
    2) To get marks for referencing you will need to have appropriate sources (peer reviewed journal articles, textbooks) and not rely on websites and unreliable sources. You will also need to refer to these via in-text numbered citations.
    3) there is too much information on antivenoms, after the first paragraph nothing very useful is being added. You should use that space instead to expand on the first aid section, which you haven’t covered sufficiently.

  • Information is good, but you will find reducing it to incorporate you formatting changes will be extremely difficult.

  • Definitely need to format and reference, otherwise information is good!

  • The Information is good, however a more attractive layout would really work in your favor. You also need to include more pictures and diagrams to back up what you’re saying. Also more references are probably needed to show more indepth knowledge of the topic.

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