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  • The Australian funnel-web spider, particularly known for its potent venom, is indeed a fascinating yet formidable creature. Found primarily in eastern Australia, these spiders are recognized for their distinctive funnel-shaped webs, which they use as a trap for prey.

  • I sincerely thank you for your informative article. I hope it gets spread widely so that more people have the opportunity to access this useful information and experience the exciting games at ww88.

  • I think you put a lot of great information in there, although I found a few grammatical errors. However I might say there is too much information, perhaps cut down on some unimportant information and summarize some more. That’ll probably the best strategy to increase the font as well, as it is a little small.

  • You used 2 pages already and you haven’t done other points yet. The limit for the blog is 2 pages i recommend cut down the text and do your other points. I hope you do use intext referencing and change your text font to Arial for your final version.

  • hi shahini,

    the information seems to flow very nicely. other than that i think the font and the layout could be changed a little bit

  • Hi Shashini,
    This is a very well written blog and I love the use of humour and colours in it. The content is also explained quite nicely. The only thing I would recommend is using a different font and just keep an eye out for minor grammatical errors. But otherwise a great blog šŸ™‚

  • The blog is very visceral when it comes to explaining the dangers of spider bites! I think the text size could have been increased a couple of points to help with readability and the text boxes could have been aligned into columns to give them more flow. I do like how it’s very obvious what each segment is about purely from looking at it – good use of pictures and subtitling!

  • Thank you all, i really appreciate all the constructive criticism! šŸ™‚

  • Your blog is really eye-catching with the images and the website-like aesthetics! However I think the font of the words are a bit hard to read, especially in larger paragraphs (they seem to blend in almost). Also be careful when you save it as a pdf, some of the formatting would be altered. Maybe also try summarizing some of the information? Some of the words are a bit technical for the general public and it seems you don’t have enough room for the last section.

  • Hi Shashini,

    I liked how you made your blog look like an actual website with the links at the top. Geat use of grabbing the readers attention with that title and the use of pop. culture to appeal to a lager audience with the spider-man reference. Unfortunatley you don’t have enough space for your section on what to do if you get bitten and although you have included a lot of good information about the physiology on how toxins affects the human body, some of it is a bit too dense for the average reader and I think if you cut down on that it should provide you with enough space for the last section.

    All the best! šŸ™‚

  • Okay, opening your assignment gave me a fright and grabbed my attention instantly! Good work.
    I liked how your first 2 paragraphs were linked with the diagrams and kept the information very brief.
    Unfortunately, I think it’s because the file is saved in Word, your layout was shuffled and hid the endings sentences. Nonetheless, it’s a draft and made sense.
    A few minor grammar mistakes, eg. “if not THE deadliest spiders!” should be “if not THE deadliest spider!”
    However, towards the end of your assignment, your paragraphs become a bit too scientific and will definitely be harder for a broad audience to understand. Try to throw in some humour or break down the information into simpler terms!
    The writing is a little type-writer style and becomes harder to read when the paragraphs become thicker!
    Apart from that, I like the trend of your article.
    Keep up the good work and good luck!

  • Very cool design. I love the use of boxes/bubbles and the headings really catch the eye, however maybe the ‘wording’ of the headings could be a little more descriptive of what is about to follow. Your information is good, a little scattered in places, but informative nonetheless. Im hoping you have managed to compress previous sections in order to finish the final point. You are going to need some in-text citations too!
    Great work!

  • The content is understandable and relevant to the topic. other than that i would suggest you to change the layout of the blog as it makes the reader a little bit confused. Do not forget to put in text references. Overall you did good job.

  • Great info and title, but the font is a tad small. The use of pictures is well done but Iā€™d work on summarising some of the information.

  • Love the use of images, however, I feel like, with the text, the layout overall is a bit messy. Figures and descriptions need to be added and as you’ve noted also the references with in-text numbering as well. Make sure to use peer-reviewed articles to back up your blog, some government sites or reputable sites are alright but try to stay away from the unreliable sites. Sorry to be picky but also the alignments need to be fixed to make it seem more professional. Shorter paragraphs rather than big chunks of text are also needed as it is a blog style. I would also work on summarising the paragraphs since you have not done the third part of the question yet and you don’t seem to have much space left.

  • Hi Shashini. First impression, WOW! Loved the use of images. To me, this is the most important aspect of the blog as it either makes me want to continue reading or not, so good job on that. The information is very well researched and you’ve explained it well throughout your blog. Some suggestions for you include cutting down the information a little as there is already so much and you still have no covered the last dot point. As well as this, maybe use less repetitive images. For example, you have 3 images of spiders which take up lots of space. I think you’ve done an amazing job otherwise!

  • Hi Shashini,
    1) as you’ve noted, you will need to have your references completed for the final. This will also need to include in-text citations (numbering system) as well as citations for images used.
    2) Go through the required info for your topic carefully. You will notice that you are not required to explain all the different types of toxins found in any venoms (i.e hemotoxins, cytotoxins ect.) we want you to explain how the toxins work within funnel web spider venom specifically.
    3) your text is quite small, a different font and breaking up the text with more visual explanations (diagrams, images ect) could help convey the information to the reader better.
    4) make sure you use quality sources for your information (peer reviewed journal articles, textbooks) not websites.

  • Great layout and use of diagrams to explain content. A good conversational tone, however does become a bit too scientific at the end to by understood be the general public

  • Great title! It’s really catchy.

    There are a couple of grammatical/spelling errors, eg. “Most Funnel-webs are live close to the ground…” and “fury little pets” (furry?), that you may have missed.

    There were parts of your blog that I couldn’t read because of the text-boxes so just make sure that’s all sorted for your final submission.

    It becomes a little scientific near the end, so it might need some rewording and simplification. However, most of the blog is well written and easy to understand.

    I know you haven’t finished your reference list yet, just don’t forget to also include your in-text citations.

    Overall, great job! Well done šŸ™‚

  • Your writing is informative . I also like the humor you have added on the second page with the use of spider man. I would recommend organizing your layout a bit and using more pictures that help you convey your ideas rather than just pictures of the spiders. There are few grammar issues but its your draft so I believe that you will work on it but make sure that its “affect” not “effect” on the human body diagram labels. Otherwise, I feel that this is a great blog.

  • great blog as i have learnt a lot. Maybe just have a larger type size or have extra spacing to make it easier to read.

  • Hi Shashini,

    I liked the use of images for your blog. Maybe with your diagrams you can label them so the reader knows exactly where to look. Another suggestion is to maybe have the quote more eye-catching or make it standout more as a quote.

  • Hi,

    Your blog is very eye catching with a really nice title. The only thing I would recommend you change is the size and font of the text as it is a bit difficult to read.

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