
(Visited 46 times, 1 visits today)
  • The blog reads really well, but its a bit of a wall of text. Very engaging and well explained

  • really cool blog man it all looks professionally done and has a classic feel and look to it, its not boring to read but one thing i would say is that the picture on the bottom left on the first page looks like its been squashed in there other than that really good man props

  • Hey Jordan, your blog is looking great! Remember to cut it down to 2 pages before your final submission. One other thing I would suggest is breaking up the large chunks of text. It is quite overwhelming for the reader and makes it hard to engage with the content in the blog. I would consider breaking up the chunks of text by adding some diagrams and colour to draw the reader in. I did however love the tone of your article and you have done a great job limiting the amount of scientific jargon you have used 🙂 Good luck!

  • Hi Jordan,

    You’re use of tabular information to convey meaning clearly is quite clever, Im also impressed by your use of hand drawn diagrams. BE careful with your paragraph length in column format as they can appear quite long

  • Hi Jordan,
    Overall, a great job with delivering your research into your topic! Firstly, make sure to make your blog clear and succinct, as it should also encompass a maximum of two pages. I’d say to incorporate more colour and images/diagrams, as this would make your blog more enticing and visually aesthetic/appealing. Incorporating images/diagrams would tie your information together. It’s great that you’ve used conversational English and personal aspects to really involve the reader!
    Good work!

  • Hi Jordan, the blog looks very nice and the information is easy to understand. Only thing is, there seems to be too much information as you are going over the two page limit. Other than that, it looks great!

  • Hi Jordan, I think your blog is great however the content needs to be cut down and possibly summarised to reduce the amount of information. In particular I enjoyed the inclusion of the personal story it makes the reader connect to the author and so great work on including that. The Photo of the tables is hard to see so possibly rewriting it and zooming in closer? But other than that its great.

  • Hi Jordan! I really like your blog, its well written and easy to understand!! Although i think it might be a good idea to maybe add some pictures or diagrams, cut a little bit down on the info and maybe spread them more out because it looks like one massive body. But other than that, great job!

  • Blog is lookin’ solid Jordan. Great use of rhetorical questions there to drag the reader’s attention in, gives that feel of interaction. Quite heavy on the text, though I understand that this because you’re trying to summarise a whole field of science in 2 pages, don’t know how else you would tackle that. I found the use of tables and images quite well done and appropriate. Well done man. I rate 5/7.

  • Hi Jordan, you’ve make a great start with your blog post, I like the tone its really approachable. I agree with other comments regarding the length, I think you should probably aim to cut down the word count by about 50%, and make sure you use really obvious subheadings so the reader is able to follow along.
    I’d include some more references, and maybe use in text citations.
    Good work so far!

  • Good information however it definitely needs to be cut down quite a bit to make the 2 page limit and allow for more images (the two you have are very good though)

  • Hi Jordan
    You’ve done a great job at making your blog easy to understand. Maybe cut it down a little so you don’t lose silly marks on going over the 2 page limit. Also try adding a couple more diagrams or photos to make your blog more visually appealing and also to help add to the information. But i definitely like how you drew out the punnet square. Good luck

  • Good job with your blog , you do have good information however to maybe help make your blog more enticing maybe use smaller paragraphs so try summarise your information more so there is less chunks of information and add more images.

  • Hello, your blog looks good so far. To improve your blog you should remember that the blog is only 2 pages, therefore, try to summarise what you have done. Also, try to make it looks like a blog by adding some boxes or colourful background or maybe adding more diagrams. All the best

  • Hi Jordan, you’ve done a good job on your blog, it’s formatted in a clear way and is easy to understand. A small suggestion might be to make the different sections of the blog more clear like maybe use a different colour, larger font, etc. Just something to make it stand out more so people are clear on what section they’re in

  • hey Jordan, great work is shown throughput your blog, i like how well you structured it and how you gave a hand written picture to explain it further. i think that you might need more figures to make it more interactive and less boring rather than having that much of writing, try to summaries it even more.
    great work:)

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