
(Visited 103 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hi Dima,

    Very well written blog. But few things could have made the blog look even better. You could have used some more colours or watermark as the background.

    Good figures and easy explanation.

    Overall a very good blog.

  • Hi Dima, your blog is really well written but I’m getting a bit lost between the different sections. Great work

  • your blog was informative and very easy to read! you’ve done a great job I especially love the colour schemes you’ve used and the way you’ve presented it. The only thing id say is a bit of proof reading and you’re set!
    Good job.

  • Really enjoyed reading your blog. Information-wise, your blog is spot on. I found that the multiple columns and basic colour scheme made it really easy to read. You incorporated many diagrams and subheadings to help contextualise the concepts. Overall great blog however I’d advise you to fix grammar errors and maybe add a more a more engaging intro sentence and concluding sentence. Keep up the good work!

  • Hi Dima, Great structure and layout as a website of the blog. I really like the multiple images you have used. very eye catching especially the first page. I really like how you started the blog with a rhetorical question of everyday drugs being antagonists or agonists. very well written blog. other than that, great job and don’t forget to do references in an alphabetical order.

  • Hi Dima! I really like the layout of the blog, it is very colourful and informative. I also like the use of your diagrams that help with the understanding of the processes more visually. Just some small problems regarding editing and grammar but with that you are all set! Good job!

  • Hey Dima! I quite like what you’ve done with your blog here (the header really gives it the blog authenticity). The illustrations and images really drive home the point, making it easy to understand while lasting in your memory. Only issues I have are small, just a few spelling errors and punctuation at the start, a once over and a tidy should have you pretty set to submit! Well done!

  • Hi Dima,
    Your blog about agonists and antagonists is rocking to the stars! But you need to in consideration some minor things like extra text and grammatical mistakes. On the other hand, try to use citation when referencing, indicate using numbers where did you get this info from.

  • Very good first draft, just needs some tidying up. Here are some suggestions:

    – Currently a bit wordy, try to decrease and simplify
    – Grammatical errors, please proof and fix – e.g. “have to do with agonists and antagonis!” should be ? not !
    and agonist paragraph has typo and the one about affinity/ efficacy and “Reversable competitive ” is “reversible”…
    – Current legends for Fig 4 and 5 are unclear.
    – Fig 6-8 are 1 figure, just make different panels (a-c) with one legend in more detail
    – varenicline include trade name

    Good luck!

  • Hi,
    This is a very informative blog and has good use of images and colour. I think you should use the column structure from the second page on the first page too as it makes it more clear to read and less confusing or crowded. Also, maybe you could read over your blog ad edit some of the grammar. Some examples are in your sub headings it should be What is “a” receptor? or what is “an” antagonist/agonist?. Also at the end of a sentence when it is a question there should be a ? instead of ! like in the first and third sentence. However the information you have delivered is very well done and you have done great research.

  • Hi Dima, your blog is looking quite good at the moment. The writing language is easy to understand and very informative. One thing that I would think about changing is maybe keeping a consistent structure in terms of columns, etc. . I just found myself a bit confused for the paragraphs “what is agonist?” and “what is antagonist?”. So at first I thought that the section beginning with the line “still confused” was part of the antagonist section as it follows directly under. It wasn’t that clear that you were trying to make a distinction between the two terms. All the best.

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