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  • hi.

    it is a good blog but there is a shortage of content, and try to have a wall paper for the page so it looks even more engaging.

    thank you

  • Hi Nastassia, it is an engaging blog with a creative writing style! Your blog was written in a conversational tone and was simplified to an easy understanding. Questions like “why should I care” and “have you been paying attention” really draws in the attention from the reader and keep them hooked. Great job!

  • Hi Nastassia, you have really nailed the blog writing style! Your use of conversational tone and rhetorical questions really drew me in and kept me engaged. You have also managed to limit the scientific jargon you have used and explained your topic in a very simple way so that anyone can understand it! I loved the use of analogies to get your point across. Your blog is clear to read and is broken up nicely with the use of headings. One thing I can suggest is adding some variation with colour and some diagrams/pictures to make it more aesthetically pleasing and keep the reader interested. Overall, great job and good luck 🙂

  • Hi Nastassia,

    Great start on the blog. writing style is very effective for a blog as it can be easily understood by the general public. The analogy where you are explaining the antagonists is excellent and very engaging. I know it’s incomplete however, images and diagrams of the actual agonists and antagonists would be really appealing along with captioning the figures. So far, you have done an amazing job. Good luck for the final blog

  • A promising start. The language is clear, text broken up in digestible chunks, and there’s a great effort with your use of analogies. Some images would go a long way to spice up your post. Good luck!

  • I like the way you are trying to reach out to the general audience with your references to pop culture and real life situations. Easy to read and your layout is looking good so far. Try to go a bit more in-depth by using diagrams if you can.
    Otherwise keep it up!

  • Great use of rhetorical questions and analogies to get the point across without having the reader sleeping by the end of the page! You’re definitely on the right track with this one. Well done.

  • Hi Nastassia! I think it might be a good idea to add pictures and diagrams and colour, so it can look eye-catching. But besides that, the information was easy to understand, good job.

  • Hello, your blog looks good at the moment. I suggest adding coloured background, text boxes, some images to make it attractive. I like how you have explained the terms in a simple way to engage the readers. All the best.

  • Good Start! Including analogies is a great way to communicate an idea/key message to the reader in an easy to understand way. Well done. Would continue working on title, layout- including images and references. 🙂

  • A bit of an early draft but clearly written. You need to try and think of a catchy title that fits the blog. Still a fair bit to do on this one.

  • Great draft you have so far Nastassia! I like your casual style of writing, very easy to read and engage with. I particularly liked your club analogy and it made perfect sense! The use of rhetorical questions is great as is the summary to tie up everything you mention above.

    I understand it’s a draft so far, but pictures would easily summarise everything you’ve mentioned about what an agonist and antagonist is!

  • Hello Natassia, the analogy you have right there is great. It explains the complex scientific processes in simple words. I love how you have also related it to real life.

    The blog is written well so far. I suggest that you have more colour and make it look like a blog.

    A title related to your analogy would probably be a very good one.

    Great work so far! 🙂

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