A blog on the effects of alcohol consumption on the liver, Wenicke-Korsikoff Syndrome, and the use of drugs during the alcohol detoxification process.pharmacology-1-blog-alcohol

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  • I appreciate how thorough the feedback is on Matea’s blog about alcohol and the liver! The detailed suggestions truly help refine the content. For anyone looking to explore new ways to enhance their gaming experience, I recommend checking out https://jetx.in/game-tricks-tips/. This platform provides helpful strategies and insights on mastering the JetX game. It’s packed with tips on how to bet wisely and maximize your chances of winning. If you’re into strategic gaming, this is definitely worth a look to improve your skills.

  • Hi Matea, your blog looks great and its very fun to read, especially the boxes of info.

  • Hi Matea,

    I enjoyed your blog and layout. The information was good maybe just label the particular graph so readers can link it with the reading or be able to link it quickly. The title was also different and caught my attention.

  • Great effort and especially liked the pictures you put in to go with the brilliant information on your blog which was well written

  • Hi Matea,

    The opening paragraph is great! It’s inviting an relates to the audience. I find that the structure of content is really nice and flows logically. The only thing I would say needs attention is captioning the figures as to provide the reader with a reference. I think maybe you should add in some more pictures just to break up all the text. While the information is thorough the blog looks a little text heavy.

    Hope this helps, Goodluck!

  • Hi Matea,

    Overall a good job! I’d like to point out that the use of colour throughout your blog is slightly dull – so, to say, maybe try working on your colour scheme. This is because colour is very important, especially in drawing in the interest of an audience. I’d say to consider changing the title’s colour – the contrast of colours doesn’t work too well. Furthermore, your content is far too wordy. I feel as this prevents the reader to digest what you’re explaining (even though you might have a thorough understanding of the key concepts of the liver and alcohol). Maybe, you could include subheadings, as it would visually distribute the content far more better. Also, maybe use a few more images/other visual aspects with more colour, to thoroughly engage the reader(s).
    Having said so, I think you have explained concepts using conversational English, so great job! Consider your colour scheme, and I think you will achieve a possible HD!

  • Hi Matea, Very well written blog and great layout together with good diagrams
    Great blog

  • Hi Matea,

    Your blog is very informative and makes for a great read. Highlighting the important or interesting bits of information was a great idea. However, the more casual non- science background audience might find the blog a little overwhelming.I feel like adding more pictures would liven up your blog a bit more, perhaps maybe simplifying the Krebs cycle image even further might be a good decision. Overall though, detailed and very well written.

  • Hi Matea,

    Your blog is well structured, visually appealing, easy to understand, easy to read and is relatable especially the opening paragraph. I think the use of this opening paragraph is great in capturing the readers attention. The use of the boxes is good at breaking the pace and also at reducing the content. I think you may be benefit with adding more visuals to help with explaining the concepts. Overall it’s a great blog.

  • Hi Matea,

    Your blog is very appealing in terms of structure, layout and formatting. The title is very catchy with a question and grabs the attention of a reader immediately. Your writing style is casual and very easy to understand for anyone. The only thing i would say is to add few images and don’t forget to add captions with it. Other than that, solid effort on the blog.

  • Hey Matea,

    Visually it’s a very appealing blog, however most of it consists of quite large chunks of text with some complicated aspects that aren’t fully explained such as ‘due to lipid accumulation and decreased fatty acid oxidation’.

    References look nice and of good quality. The heading with your disease in it is spelled incorrectly so maybe just have another check before submission to catch any little errors that may have slipped through.

    Personally, I’m not a fan of the font as it doesn’t really look like a blog style but as it’s up to individual choice.

    Overall recommendations are:

    – Break text up for ease of reading
    – Explain a few core concepts simpler
    – Pre-submission edit for spelling and grammmar

  • Great effort, Matea!

    I felt your blog started off quite strong given the catchy heading and and engaging, conversational tone of the opening paragraph. That really spurred my interest to continue reading, but I found some of that momentum was lost given the large, uninterrupted chunks of information.

    To mitigate that, you may want to consider breaking up the content with subheadings to maintain interest as well as using more diagrams to summarise information. Additionally, I’d suggest setting the agenda of the post early on the piece, i.e. some context about what can reader’s expect to learn including specific reference to the disease, as this would help manage readers’ expectations.

    The layout is otherwise great, and the information supported by a number of journal articles.

    Kudos again on the solid effort.

  • Very well written blog. All concepts are explained in an easy to understand manner. Your format and colour scheme are on point and i particularly like facts and little bits of info you incorporated in those boxes. The only thing i might consider is referencing the photos or at least captioning them as “figure 1” and so forth just to emphasise its legitimacy. Maybe add a few photos for abit more pizazz but how it is now is still pretty distinct and you shouldn’t worry to much about it. Good job.

  • Hey Matae, good job on the blog! It looks really well presented and the information was super easy to understand. I liked the important information you put in the pink boxes. One thing I would say is to maybe add some diagrams/pictures to aid in the understanding of some concepts. Otherwise, well done!

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