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  • Is there a way to subscribe to updates or newsletters from your blog to stay informed about new Block Blast posts and content?

  • Thank you for all your comments.

  • Find a non-science friend and explain to them what GPCRs are – record yourself and that should be the structure of your blog. None of this sounds like its really in your own words and your own interpretation of what GPCR are. It reads like a series of disjointed paragraphs with images found on the internet. This is about how you can interpret pharmacology and communicate with others. Its not easy and you have to understand the topic well. Its a good start but you have to make it yours. Think of a good title that would make anyone want to read about them.

  • Hi Aneta,
    I really like the pictures you have chosen for your blog, they complement the writing well, and allow for a better understanding of the concept you’re explaining. I do however agree that there could be less scientific jargon within your text. Overall I think you have done a great job.

  • Hi, Aneta your blog layout looked really nice, and I agree with the others, the scientific jargon could be more explained in a simplistic ways my opinion.

    Good luck!!

  • Hi,

    I thought that the formatting of your blog looked really nice!! I also really liked the email analogy, I thought that definitely made it easier to understand. However, I do agree with the other comments in that there is still a lot of scientific jargon used in your blog. Even to just change things like extracellular to “from outside the cell” just to put it in more every day language. I also think you should look at your sentence structure as you use really long sentences with lots of commas which can be hard to read.

    Best of luck!

  • Hi Aneta, I agree with Rusali and Dima’s comments. The language could be improved, less scientific jargon, more simplistic language could be used to explain the concepts.

  • Hi Aneta! I also really like the layout of your blog with the website banner and boxes to highlight key information. Ways to make your blog more engaging may be to change the title to something that is more eye-catching, and to highlight your analogy of GPCRs as the inbox for emails. Basically, you want to make it easier for a layperson to understand your blog. Also, I think you should reword your first sentence as it is very long and hard to understand. Other than that, good luck for your final blog! 🙂

  • Hello, your blog looks good at the moment, I like how you have used diverse sources of info. However, it is better to add a numbered intext citation instead of the authors’ last name and the year of publication. Also, it is better to add captions for the diagrams and check the font size and colour in your blog, for example, the last part of the second page was made in a grey colour which it is not clear. Try to make your blog more engaging and use informal language to attract readers attention. All the best

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