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Milo Ryan blog-final

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  • Good stuff on your blog. It’s well structured and very easy to read and understand. Use of diagrams is really nice. Makes me feel like I’m reading an actual pamphlet or something!
    Nice job man

  • Hi Milo,

    I enjoyed reading your blog and I really liked your title because that was the first thing that grabbed my attention. The structure is very clear and informative and just one minor thing that you need to consider is to put the references alone on a separate page!
    Keep up the hard work…

  • Hi Milo,

    Great first draft, I won’t go into too much detail about the layout, your peers did a good job with their suggestions and critiques.
    The blog needs to be proof-read, as there are some grammatical issues which disturbs the flow of your sentences and ideas. When you do proof read the blog, keep an out out for sentences that need citations, for example “…some drugs can be irritating to veins”.

    Additionally, don’t assume the reader knows information you have left out, for example, “issues faced by oral method” wasn’t mentioned earlier, so the reader does not know what they are and how IM fixes these “issues”. Good to see your use of in text references, well done on that however the formatting of the reference list needs to be changed, as mentioned by Celina, you do get an extra 3rd page to show your references.

    Also, your blog focuses a lot more on IM and subcutaneous but little on fast and slow release drugs, do try to provide more information on the latter as IM and subcutaneous is mentioned multiple times in your blog.

    Great draft though nonetheless, keep up the great work Milo!

  • Great job, I really like the structure and format as it is clear and easy to follow. I did find though, that it was a little bit tightly put together, and some of your paragraphs were quite long, so breaking them up would be a good idea, just in terms of readability. Other than that, a really good draft.

  • Hi Milo, I think your blog is looking really great. The structure and formatting has been done really well and is very clear to understand. Something I just found confusing was where you put your name and student number haha. I sure thats not a big deal I just for a second thought it was part of the blog as it comes right above the overview section. Otherwise, your information is really clear and the language and writing is concise, understandable and informative. I suggest just using another page for the references rather than putting them at the bottom of the second page. Also maybe using a superscript for the reference numbers just so they don’t get in the way of the information you’re presenting. All the best.

  • Great blog, really easy to read and understand. The format is engaging and not too crowded. Agree with the first comment you received that you don’t need to squish the references onto page 2. Everything else is really good 🙂

  • Hi Milo,

    Don’t think you need to change much for the final submission. It’s structured really well and the subheadings make it easy to break everything down. The references is the only thing I’d change, it can be placed on a third page and it won’t count against the page limit (just incase you didn’t know) so that it doesn’t cramp the last page.

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