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  • That is a really helpful article. It gives me a lot of information about the liver. slope game

  • Hi Thanhn,
    Really good job on your blog. The subheadings break up the text really well, and your heading is very witty. I like how you have explained what each step is in the oxidation process, as it makes it easier for a non-scientific reader to understand. Maybe add a few more visual images or diagrams, to make it more eye-catching. Well done otherwise!

  • The layout is nice and simple, but I think you should add a few images into the blog (like in the spare space you have). Maybe you can add a colour background too to make it look more engaging. And perhaps make your title more interesting to capture the audience’s attention. However, I really like your information, it was easy to read.

  • Nicely done, Thahn.

    The subheadings, paragraph length, and colour scheme made for an effective layout; this could potentially be improved with images, though, to elevate the overall aesthetic.

    The written information and research seems great. My main critique would be to avoid overuse of jargon, as other commenters have mentioned, and to try and use more engaging language where possible, especially in the opening paragraph. For instance, the opening paragraph would probably benefit with an explanation of why understanding the content of the post is important, which could be implied with a hypothetical question or reference to a comical image.

    You’re off to a great start with this draft. Good luck!

  • Your blog is well written and has a good layout. I would recommend using more pictures as a way to help explain some of your information and to also enhance the blogs aesthetics. Well done!

  • Hi Thanh,
    The title of your blog is pretty solid and the content is very informative but make sure you add some diagrams and graphs to illustrate some ideas within your blog. This will make it more interesting to read. one more thing, I have noticed a lot of scientific jargon on the blog so make sure to define or write a brief explanation about these jargons.

  • Love your title!

    Make sure you do numbered referencing, rather than normal Harvard (UTS) style in-text references. You’ve also used a few scientific terms that I’m not sure that non-science folks would necessarily understand, like “polarity”, “endoplasmic reticulum”, “hepatocyte” etc.

    I think overall you just need to make your blog less jargon-heavy. Try to make it enticing for non-science people! 🙂

  • Hi Thanh,

    Your blog seems easy to follow. The subheadings help identify the principal points of your topic. Regarding scientific jargon, there are some terms that could be simplified. You might also want to include some images to describe harder concepts.

    Apart from these pointers, good start!

  • Hi Thanh,

    As mentioned by everyone else commenting here, you do have an aesthetic outline for your blog. Just be a little careful with your use of scientific language. For example, when you were describing Phase 1 metabolism, you said P450 ‘cleaves’ functional groups onto the drug, that statement is contradictory. Another example, is when you stated ‘many drugs are poisonous to the human body aren’t always harmful, but are when undergoing phase 1 metabolism’. Some rewording is needed so that the sentences flow better and they convey the information more clearly. Other people have discussed the use of diagrams being helpful as well.

    Other than that, this is a great blog as it is already almost complete. Keep up the great work Thanh!

  • Your blog is well written, but the use of diagrams will help demonstrate certain explanations such as oxidation, just to add more than just text. with your header image you should probably cut the image a bit more to get rid of the home, news, journals at the top of the image. great title for your blog.

  • Hi, your blog is very easy on the eyes and is easy to understand. I think it would benefit you if you implemented a diagram or figure of some sort so that it doesn’t just include text. However, very nice blog!

  • Hi Thanh, your blog looks good.
    But try to put some images or diagrams. That will make it more interesting and easier to read.
    But yea I like your article. Nice one !!!

  • Hi Thanh, great blog!

    I really like the overall content of the blog. The title is very catchy!

    I think that a more conversational tone would make the article easier to read overall.

    The use of diagrams would also make the blog easier to read and understand concepts.

    Great work!

  • Hello Thanh, the title is very catchy and appealing. I appreciate how you have used subtitles to break down the content into smaller sections for an easier read.

    A use of diagrams or illustrations in sections such as where metabolism occurs would make it simpler for other readers. Also, maybe format the pages into two columns or so.

    I would suggest that you define or reword some of the scientific complex words. Other than that, it looks great! 🙂

  • First of all great title! Very catching and not too complicated. Good use of subheadings to allow the blog to be broken up for an easy read. The only thing would be changing some of the language so that someone who has no idea of the topic could read it and be able to understand the basis of the topic. Especially the chemical equations, we as scientists would know how that links but other people may get confused as to what is occurring.

    The blog overall does seem a little short? Not sure if you are able to add anything more in regards to the topic or even adding some sort of factual area for the reader.

    Overall Great Work!

  • Hey Thanh, I really like your blog! I think the top image has to be a bit more cropped (not sure if the headings were intentional or not). Length of sentences and conversational language is great! I think some of the scientific language could be slightly more simplified in some areas! Also great layout, but it’d be good if maybe another image on the second page be added for visual effect! Overall, great work 🙂

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