References aren’t finished yet, and I haven’t made it look like a proper blog yet, but the text is there! Feedback on my horrific title is especially appreciated lol



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  • Great job on your draft, Rosemary! The way you’ve broken down the complex CYP 450 concept is really effective for a wide audience. By the way, speaking of practicality and efficiency, I recently discovered some amazing take-out paper bags that have been perfect for my business needs. You can find them at They’re sturdy, eco-friendly, and a great choice for any packaging needs!

  • Great job Rosemary, I like how you’ve introduced a complex concept with a simple relatable example so readers don’t get overwhelmed. Obviously I can’t give you much feedback on your layout and referencing. Just make sure your blog post is approachable and looks easy to read, plus include plenty of references so readers can do follow up research.

  • Your blog content is absolutely spot on for easy comprehension by a non-pharmacology background audience!The active voice, rhetorical questions and overall language were super helpful and would make an amazing piece after completion. Great job!

  • Hi Rosemary,

    I really like your introduction and conclusion. They are very engaging. I have few suggestions:

    – When you said “What on earth is that random string of letters and numbers supposed to mean?”, I think if you add an image of genetic codes or like a diagram of a string of letters, would be good to engage the reader with what you are saying.

    – Make sure that you don’t have long paragraphs of text, as it could be a bit boring for the reader. Try to have them in smaller paragraphs and/or in boxes. And don’t forget to add explanatory diagrams where possible.

    Otherwise, I think the way you explained everything is very engaging. Good luck!

  • Your title is catchy and the blog was really easy to read. I do think there’s a lot of content and it might be difficult to fit it in a blog like a format so maybe consider cutting a few paragraphs short and using pictures/diagrams to replace some parts.

  • All the explanations in this blog are really well done and easy to understand. Although you’ve defined them so people understand what they are I would suggest maybe rewording some of the later paragraphs to reduce the amount of times you write CYP2C19 (not sure if its necessary or something you want to do but its in there a lot so feels like repetitive language)

  • As a person who was introduced to CYPs the language is very suitable without overusing jargon in the text, spreading out the text would be easier to read and support of images can be helpful too. Great job in answering the key points.

  • Hey Rosemary,

    Really like the text that you have for your blog. Definitely think it will be enhanced when you are able to put in your images and change the formatting. It is easy to understand and covers all the things that you need to in order to get a full understanding of the topic. Well done 🙂

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