Some of the information is missing and still to be added.

Reference list and layout to be edited Thank you.p450-enzymes-draft

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  • Я убежден, что это крайне нужная для меня
    информация ! Поэтому был счастлив прочитать этот материал.

    Помимо этого, я в восторге от прикольного дизайна
    вашего ресурса) Благодарствую;)

  • Hi Rafal,

    You’ve covered most of important aspects relating to the topic and have used language that is not complex. I really liked the quick facts section but I would suggest maybe including that in a separate box as this will make it more attention grabbing. The only other thing would be to add more colour and change the layout so that your information is displayed in a blog format. Finally, don’t forget to add your references at the end but overall you’ve done a great job so far!

  • Great work Rafal!

    It looks like you’ve covered most that you need even though you’ve still got more stuff to cover. The way you’ve setup your text is very easy to read and follow through with. As well, it’s not complex and rather straight forward which would be great for the average reader.
    All that I suggest is that you spice things up a bit with some more colours and change in page layouts which would help with displaying your information.

  • This blog was a delight to read, Rafal. The language was engaging throughout and easy to digest. Framing the enzyme as a constant source of mystery due to its unusual structure and properties made for a fantastic, logical sequel into exploring those enzyme traits. The short paragraph length, use of questions as subheadings, and accompanying images made the content easy to follow. As other comments have mentioned, adding more of a dynamic colour scheme would make the post pop more. Lastly, in your section titled ‘Do all humans have the same CYP enzymes?’, a reference image would be nice.

  • Good job overall! I like the way you start off the blog with a title and question that pulls the audience in and makes everyone enticed to find out more. However, I do agree with some of the comments. For your final submission, maybe look at going into some more detail or giving a definition of what CYP enzymes are in the first paragraph as the audience may have no idea on what enzymes are, let alone CYP enzymes and how they are relevant to us in our bodies! Also, as already mentioned, I’d advise you to look at some adding some colour and more figures and images to your blog to make it look more visually appealing to the reader. In addition, try to keep the font and size consistent throughout. Lastly, don’t forget to include your references at the end of your blog!

  • Great work Rafael, I really like the subheadings and the quick facts section, its an excellent way to draw someone’s attention.

    I agree with some of the comments regarding adding some more colour and images. Possibly some examples of drugs that are broken down by CYPs, or which have interactions involving CYPs (think grapefruit) could be interesting.

    Make sure you double check the spelling in your final version, and don’t forget to include your bibliography!

  • Hi Rafal,

    The title was great and the way it is written is clear so it was easy to understand. It is a really good blog but ill give you some feedback for when you resubmit it!

    You defined metabolism later in the blog, I think maybe define it as (breakdown) the first time you mention the word. Also, I think what you could do is use some everyday examples maybe to make it even more easy to read and relatable to the reader. For example, how does cyp work when you drink alcohol or take panadol maybe?- so it is more relatable and therefore engaging for the reader. A final tip would be to add a bit more colour to the blog to make it more eye catching!

    But overall its really good 🙂

  • You have very well written information which was easy to understand. I liked your “quick facts” section as well. One thing I would add would be more colour and visuals to make the blog a bit more exciting to read. Well done!

  • Hi Rafal,

    it is clear you have done some great research on this topic as you have explained CYP concepts in great detail and therefore, someone who may not have a science background would be able to understand all the information you’ve provided!

    just a quick note – perhaps consider adding some colour and imagery to your blog to make it more visually appealing to readers

    Well done on your blog!

  • Looks great start some more images would be nice to see to separate the wall of text, and as Sandra said some use of colours makes a big difference to how engaging the blog can be. Other than that good work!

  • Hi Rafal,

    I really like how you’ve simplified the concept of CYPs! I’m not sure what you mean by “atheistic medications” near the bottom of the first page though. Also just a heads up that you’ve written “enzynes” instead of “enzymes” in your last heading 🙂

    Looking good so far!

  • You have very detailed information, and are well written. The content flows well and is easy to read as well. One way to improve the layout is by having a blog like colours and format. Using a two column format will help too.

    Great work!! 🙂

  • Very detailed information of CYPs, to a person reading this will understand the topic easily ad there you didn’t overuse jargon, as well as providing statistics within a population with genetic variation. Overall good start, make sure that headings stand out and are appealing to the reader.

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