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  • Thank you, author, for dedicating your time to share your informative knowledge. I hope the article will be spread widely to contribute to disseminating useful information to the community. Don’t forget to visit bet365 to participate in thrilling entertainment games.

  • Hey Damon,

    Great blog! The background and colours are very eye-catching but still, the writing is legible so good job with that. You have explained the topic quite well but maybe explain some of the jargons a bit more. But overall amazing work 🙂

  • Hi Damon,
    Your peers have given you some good feedback. i would add to this by saying:
    1) you need to be more thorough with your in-text citations, there are some bit of info with no citation to back them up. use a numbering system to save space and not interrupt flow. You also need to cite any images you use that you dont create/draw yourself.
    2) Avoid using lecture notes as a source, they are not peer reviewed, same with websites.
    3) part of the requirements for topic 21 is that you provide examples of the pre and post synaptic neurotoxins, don’t forget to do this.

  • Very good information given within the blog, and the design is great! However, I would recommend reading over and fixing small grammatical errors and possibly changing the colour of the font to something a bit more ‘subtle’ on the eyes

  • Brilliantly constructed blog, the design and layout are highly creative and eye-catching. Only thing I suggest is to reword some of your sentences on the second page as they are difficult to read and understand. Overall a well constructed blog!

  • Hey Damon,

    Looks like you got creative with the blog! I noticed that you haven’t referenced using the in-text numbering system – I think it would be best to implement this approach as it’s mentioned in the marking rubric.

  • Very good information and easy to understand! Be mindful of colour scheme though.

  • Well designed blog with accurate and well written information. Minor grammatical errors. Have a look at the syntax to ensure better flow of sentences

  • Use of font was a early distraction in the blog but it didn’t interfere with the delivery of information. Good summary of information at the end with a take home message.

  • Strong effort! the layout is great and the diagrams made things easier to understand. The long sentences could be shortened and to the point but otherwise great effort

  • Hi, I really enjoyed reading your blog. The format is really eye catching and the use of subheadings makes it flow. However, i recommend making some of your sentences more succinct as some are a bit long making it harder to maintain focus when reading the information. The use of the diagrams to explain the action of alpha and beta neurotoxins made the concept easy to understand. Great Job!

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