
I’d really appreciate feedback on how I communicated pharmacologic principles. Thanks!

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  • Your article brings many fresh and intriguing perspectives. I wish the article receives many interactions and shares from the community who are passionate about this topic. Explore to experience new and exciting games.

  • Very informative but need to have more relevant and interesting pictures and photos. Text is close to the edge but I think you were trying to fit more information in!

  • Good that you mentioned about Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome separately
    Korsakoff, NOT Korsikoff, you may want to talk about psychosis as part f its symptoms. What was your resource for the symptoms.
    Please include in-text referencing and references.
    I loove how you used clinical scenarios to discuss alcohol and the liver.
    Info on pharmacology is concise.

  • Really loved your blog, it was really engaging and attractive to look at. All the necessary information was on there and presented in an easy to understand and logical manner. Great work!

  • Loved your blog! Really easy to understand with loads of information – also noticed that your images weren’t referenced but other than that great job!!

  • Really Great Blog and excellent design, your flow was also very engaging. Good work!

  • Well designed and informative blog. Easy to read and follow. Good use of examples to emphasise the effects of alcohol on the liver, with good use of images to explain concepts.

  • Information is succinct, the edges need to be tweaked. The reference page also needs to be added and the images need to be referenced also. Overall, it was great to read and possibly the best blog I’ve seen so far!!

  • Good use of graphics to illustrate points but the images don’t seem to be unreferenced. Additionally the reference page seems to be missing, which might be a mis-upload but it is still needed, as proof of work and not plagiarism.

  • Hey!

    I think you need to fix up the edges/bordering issue as other commentors have mentioned, other than that – It’s an extremely informative piece. I feel like it’s the most engaging blog I’ve read on here, great idea to tie in Australian slang/culture into your writing. It’s satirical in some segments but it’s still the science blog form of sunshine.


  • Hi Keisha,

    Your blog is the best one of Pharmacology 2018, Keep up the great work!


  • Your blog demonstrates the pharmacological principles of alcohol and the liver really well. Using cases to explain alcohol related liver damage was creative. However, your formatting makes it hard to focus on the information, i suggest sticking to one formatting style to maintain flow and break up the larger paragraphs. Otherwise, great job!

  • Great blog, Keisha! The blog has good contrast of color and the content was easy to understand. I would suggest to stick with one text format, as it gets a bit distracting with combination of two text format. Otherwise, great work.

  • Hey Keisha,
    Your blog is very well thought out. I can definitely see you’ve put a lot of work into your blog. I would suggest the only thing you should add are colours to the subheadings to allow the reader to distinguish between what you are trying to convey in each heading.

  • Hi Keisha,

    Your blog looks really good so far! You’ve covered all the necessary information about the topic and you’ve used language that is easy to follow along. I really like the incorporation of stories to explain the pharmacology principles. My only suggestion would be to maybe reduce how much text is on your blog or format it in such a manner where it’s broken up into smaller sections. Apart from that, well done.

  • Great use of characters and ‘stories’ to communicate more complex ideas. In general the language used was good and the content informative and clear. The formatting was a little confusing, maybe use text boxes around text to break it up more? Overall great blog 🙂

  • The blog is very informative. The content and pictures are really good. I really liked how you added a search bar at the top making it feel real (adding context). However, I’d suggest you improve the formatting of your blog. Other than that its really good.

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