
(Visited 125 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hi Emily,

    Your blog looks very visually appealing and attractive with the use of colour scheme. it is easy to read and all the information flows really well. I really liked the analogy of a drug being in a race. The layout and structure of the blog is excellent as it is broken down into appropriate section. You can maybe add the caption underneath the graph. other than that, very interesting blog. well done!

  • Hi Emily

    You’ve really aced the blog layout! the entire blog was very visually engaging and the blog itself was full of easy to read content with relevant information. You used a lot of journal articles as well which shows your references are reliable. The concepts were well explained however if you could cut down on some of the text, it would help with digesting the info a bit more

    great work!

  • Hi Em, I loved the layout and content of your blog! The writing was conversational and very explanatory, and the different pictures and colours broke up the text really well. The way you toned all the concepts back was extremely effective and I believe a layperson would keep up the entire time, which I think is the whole point of the assignment (: Good job!

  • This was a really enjoyable blog. Your information was easy to read and the use of analogies made it more simple to understand. The colour scheme, use of pictures and text box’s made the blog a lot more enticing to read.

  • The blog is great. Its easy to understand with harder concepts explained and related well to the topic. The little notes related to coffee were a great way to engage the reader. The examples really help to explain concepts and the diagrams linked well with them. I really like the use of different colours in your layout.
    What you could work on is less text as it is a lot to take in and maybe a catchy heading.

  • This is a really great blog! I think you’re analogy about it being a race is really clever and makes the concept understandable for anyone reading it! The layout is great too with the different colours, possibly could do we a bit less text but understandable that you have to cover a lot!

  • I really like the layout with the examples in the boxes. I think you could explain terms such as metabolism (what Is drug metabolism?) or excretion to be better understood by the lay person. Also there is a lot of text so is slightly crowded but I understand 2 pages is hard to fit in all the necessary info, so maybe you could just simplify some sentences and be more concise to try and make it more spaced but overall really good and well done.

  • Very eye-catching!. The colours are very attractive and the use of boxes for examples and quick definitions I think are very effective in informing a reader. The content is very readable by anyone and is informative. For some constructive criticism, add a full stop to the first paragraph 😛 and I think maybe an analogy or comparing first order kinetics to something else would be handy in making it easier to understand, kind of like how you compared zero-order kinetics to the glass of water and adding sugar until it stops dissolving. But blog made me ‘wow’, good work! =]

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