Breaking Down Baddies

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  • Hey Maya, your blog was really well set out! There was a great balance between information and diagrams which makes it very easy for the reader to follow and look back on. The scenarios in the blog also make it very relatable to the reader! However in your phase 1 and 2 paragraphs, there are some scientific terms that need to be expanded upon in order for the reader to understand. But otherwise it looks great!

  • There is a good level of colloquialism in this blog which allows for “relate-ability”. Well done

  • Very nice work on your blog. Keeping it simple and loved the scenarios that you put in the beginning of the blog. It was well written and to the point.

  • The content is really good with a funny and conversational style, while still being quite technical. The diagrams help the reader digest what they’re reading. I would just say make the layout slightly more colourful and creative.

  • Really like the layout/presentation of your blog, it appears like an actual website! I like how you explain what hydrolysis, oxidation etc. are because it helps the reader understand. Maybe bring up the story you started off with in the introduction and say how it was solved in the conclusion. Also, you spelt relief wrong in the 3rd line, if you wanted to go and fix that up! Really good blog!

  • Your blog is really appealing to someoneone without much science background making it much easier for them to digest all the information. Less jargon would be better like nivedha said but otherwise great job

  • Hi Maya,

    Great work on your blog! I loved the use of analogies because it made it much easier to understand those concepts. I would suggest to try and limit the use of scientific jargon as that can be quite confusing for someone who doesn’t have prior knowledge about pharmacology. Also, try adding a bit more colour throughout the blog to make it more visually appealing. Apart from that, good effort so far!

  • Hi Maya!

    Well done on your blog! I found it engaging and fun to read through. I loved the analogies and scenarios you used to explain everything like the ‘couch potato’ lipid-soluble drugs and your introduction scenario. The layout using WordPress and the modified pictured are also fantastic. Things to improve on could be to simplify some terms in paragraphs such as “Phase I’ and ‘Let’s make it relatable…’. In paragraphs ‘Phase I’ and ‘Phase 2’, I am not sure if you can use electrons and ionise molecules without explaining what they are as I don’t think that a layperson will be able to understand that. Similarly, conjugation may be a hard word for such people to understand.

    Overall, however, I enjoyed reading this blog due to the type of language used. Good luck for your final blog! 🙂

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