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  • Your article is truly inspiring and brings a lot of value to the reader. I wish the article receives a warm welcome from the community. Come to bet365 to experience great moments of relaxation and participate in engaging games.

  • pretty good blog its easy to understand, only downside is its over 2 pages.

  • A really good layout and it can really be seen the amount of effort research put into this. However, according to the rubric the article needs to be writtten in a colloquial style of writing. Try rewording some paragraphs as if you’re explianing these processes to someone who has no idea what science even is, this may help cutting down your article as well.Overall great work though.

  • Really good job, information was brilliantly presented. However, it does go over 2 pages. although the topic you are doing is complicated it is important to follow the marking criteria to receive most marks possible.

  • Hey John

    Fantastic work on presenting your points. Your paragraphs flow nicely and does not allow the reader to loose interest, the use of the diagrams does really allow the reader to understand the idea that you are trying to send. maybe try and stick to the guidelines of maintaining the limit of 2 pages but we can tell that it’s mainly the diagrams that take up most of the space.

    Good Job!


  • Good use of images to explain concepts, however, writing needs to be more succint and to the point. Writing style needs to be adjusted to suit the style of a blog. Terminology is diffcult to understand for an everyday reader without much scientific knowledge.

  • A good flow to the article with excellent use of the layout and pictures. But in the marking criteria it stated that the blog is limited to two pages of writing with a third page of references. So you have gone over the limit. But other wise very good

  • Hi John,
    Your blog demonstrates an in depth understanding and explanation of the topic through the use of reliable sources. However, I think you have over explained different sections as the blog is only meant to be 2 pages. The layout and diagrams are really good and make the information really clear and easy to understand. I think just by cutting down some information and explaining some sections in a more succinct manner you would express the concepts of drug metabolism in the liver even better. Great Job

  • Hey John,

    You’ve shown that you dedicated time and utilised reliable sources alongside explain pharmacological concepts – however, I think you need to look at the rubric and work on communication just slightly more and not delve too deep. Try structuring your phase 1 and phase 2 explanation towards someone who isn’t familiar with science! Other than that, the diagrams are great!

    Gr8 job

  • You’ve done a great job of explaining the drug metabolism process in a way most people would understand. The use of diagrams illustrating the different phases definitely helps easy understanding. However I would say there may be a bit too much information and might be a little too specific.
    The blog is only meant to be 2 pages (with 1 references page) so cutting it down slightly may help. Maybe instead of listing the processes of the phases out in text AND having a diagram for it, you could just have a diagram with a title showing it visually.
    Other than that I like the colour and images used to make it interesting.

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