Final pharmacogenomics Blog

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  • Hi,
    The layout is very good however the colour used seem to clash with one another especially the one in the boxes. The future of pharmacogenomics picture could have been enlarged so that it is more readable. Great explanation of the topic. Overall, a great job.

  • Hi Yen-Ting,
    I like the initial section of your blog, it was nicely setout and the terms we defined for the average reader to understand and follow on. However, moving though the later sections of your blog (when you started mentioning drug testing). It became difficult to see the relationship between drug testing, new drugs mentioned and pharmacogenomics. I suggest decreasing some facts mentioned in these sections and try to link it back to the overall goal, which is it relations to pharmacogenomics. In regards to colour scheme, a little more variation in other colours could help make the blog appear dynamic. Apart from that you have the necessary information, but just requires a little bit of adjusting and this blog should be great. All the best with the final submission.

  • Great effort for a fantastic blog. I loved the pictures you put in and you had very coherent information 🙂

  • I liked that you included facts about pharmacogenomics and questions for the reader to lead you into the information. The information is thorough however there may have been a little too much blue, maybe next time a few different colours that pop and catch the eye , nice blog though 🙂

  • Hey Yen-Ting,
    Some recommendations for your blog:
    Your concepts need to be explained more for the average reader. Try elaborating more on what pharmacogenomics means and how it will affect people in the future.
    Your blog should also look more dynamic, maybe include some designs instead of just block colours.

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