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  • Hi Rusali,
    Your blog is fantastic! Definitely one of the most engaging and eye captivating blogs I’ve seen so far! Great use of conversational English! Very engaging! Really like the ‘superhero analogy’ – it ties everything together! The format of your blog is so well done – I can see you’ve spent a lot of time designing your blog to the best of your ability, and it definitely has paid off! I’d say, maybe make your paragraphs more clear and succinct. There is a tendency that on the first page of your blog, for it to be a little cluttered, but honestly, I’m just nit picking as of now. Your colour scheme is brilliant by the way! Other than revising your explanations, your blog has no flaw to point out!
    Great job!

  • Hi Rusali,

    The blog looks very nice and the use of the analogy was very entertaining and smart. The information was easier to follow due to the superhero analogy. The only negative comment I can give is a little bit too much information.

  • Great job Rusali, your draft looks fantastic. I love your use of analogies to explain complex concepts, and the images do a great job of breaking the text up.

    As others have mentioned, some more references will help readers do their own research, and you may be able to simplify some of your sentences a little to reduce the size of the paragraphs. I’m looking forward to seeing the final product!

  • Hi Rusali,

    I have to reaffirm what people have already mentioned: this is a very interesting blog! I commend you for being very mindful of your targeted audience being a casual science blog reader and you have successfully managed to sustain my attention throughout by your clever and authentic use of language. Your use of the superhero analogy to describe the CYP450 enzyme is very original and leaves a lasting remark on your readers which is further heightened by a very engaging introductory โ€œpull-inโ€ verb.

    With regards to presentation and layout, there is no need for any further changes as you have greatly broken up the contexts with appropriate images.

    Overall, very good job. Splendid blog article here.

  • Really do love the title haha
    Nice images used and very engaging language. I really think I have no negative feedback as you do seem to know what to be doing. I really think you have an outstanding assignment

  • Awesome blog! one of my favourites so far. Your analogies and use of the superhero theme really made this topic a hell of a lot easier to read. it is a bit text heavy but i think that you broke up the text sufficiently to warrant it. However, in saying that it does feel like theres a lot going on with all the extra boxes, maybe don’t overdo it. Great stuff !

  • I am honestly struggling to give negative feedback. Your layout is fantastic and very easy to follow along with. You also make the most of great diagrams. Your writing is concise, effective and easy to understand. If I was to give one criticism, I would say to scale down the amount of information. But overall, it is an extremely engaging and interesting read.

  • I really like your blog, Rusali! I think the layout not only looks really great, but helps break up the content and keep the reader interested ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t think you could do a better job at simplifying CYPs – even though there’s a lot of text, it’s all easy to read and understand.

  • Hi Rusali!

    I really like the presentation of your blog, the superhero analogy was really interesting and helps keep your audience entertained. Overall, the information you provided was very thorough and detailed, however it is really overwhelming with the amount of text under each heading. The diagrams you created helps add that extra touch to your article giving it some individuality, as well as helping you explain your information. The only thing i’d say you need to touch up on your references! Good Job and good luck !! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi Celina! It will be very tough because I excluded so many things already! Thanks so much for the advice though!

  • Hi Andrew! I agree because I have a lot more references to add but I didn’t have the time to do it. Thank you so much for your nice comment!

  • Hi Rusali, really enjoyed reading your blog. It was intriguing, vibrant and humorous. The format is pretty much perfect and all the attention to detail such as Pharmaceutical simplified ^TM and the little villain and superhero photos was pure quality. The only improvement i might add is maybe touching up on your referencing by adding more in text citations and possibly more references in general. Other than that, top job.

  • Hi Rusali, I really like the language you use in your article and your heading is very entertaining and eye-catching. I think that creating your own diagrams shows that you know what you’re talking about as well as provide a nice personal touch. Probably the only thing I would say would be to maybe try to cut down a bit on the writing, it does seem to be quite a lot which I understand is obviously so difficult when theres so much to talk about.

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