
incomplete with only first page, would like feedback on current work. Thanks.

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  • I’d probably re-think the title as it’s actually one receptor and 7 transmembrane domains. Any reason why they have 7 anyway – is this just overkill or is there a reason? It would be interesting to know. Do they move around the membrane or localise in any specific area? This would be something new rather than another text book style article. Find your own angle and make it interesting for the reader. If you made the diagrams they are really good if you didn’t please credit the source.

  • Heya Owen, as everyone has said, good start to the blog. I’d probably cut down on some of the writing for the first section, as it looks quite heavy. Also, using numbered referencing would help clean up your blog as well. Other than that, well done so far.

  • Good start to the assignment introduction. Especially the diagrams/pictures as it does detail the processes with the G-protein. Can definitely see the rest of the work needed to be done but other than that, good start towards your work

  • Hi Owen, i agree with the comments from above, also i believe Ken recommended that we do number in text referencing rather than worded in text referencing.

  • I think there’s too much jargon which I guess can’t be helped due to the topic, maybe use the diagrams space the content and refer to them in your explanation. maybe use analogies or examples to help explain the process.

  • Hey Owen,

    Like Sandra said above I think that breaking down the paragraphs would really help with the flow of your blog.

    The paragraph about GTP and GDP is very overwhelming with acronyms and I think talking about it in relation to the diagram you have will really help readers understand it better. Good luck!

  • Hi Owen,

    Your blog looks great so far and I agree with what Rafal said above there. I would also suggest that you could break down the content into smaller paragraphs or sections that are easier to read and more engaging.

    You could also mention what G proteins coupled receptors job is. I would also suggest using an analogy or a simile to compare it to something that works in real life, just so it is easier for those who have no idea what they actually are.

    Great job so far! 🙂

  • Hi Owen,

    I think you can change your main title to something more engaging, but I really like the question you have underneath the title, it is catchy. For your subheadings, try to change for something more appealing and engaging for the reader. For example, ”History of GPCRs”, this is quite boring. For the layout, it is simple and clear. Maybe try to make the subheadings more colourful. Overall, the information looks good. Good start and best of luck.

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