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  • وجد العديد من أنواع المبيدات التي يمكن استخدامها للسيطرة على الصراصير. بعضها على شكل طعم ، والبعض الآخر على شكل سائل ، يتم توزيعها في الأماكن التي توجد فيها الصراصير في المطبخ ، على سبيل المثال ، خلف الثلاجة ، تحتها ، في خزائن المطبخ والزوايا ، خلف الغسالات ، بحيث تحمل الصراصير الطعم إلى أعشاشها ، بعيدا عن الأطفال. الابتعاد عن الأطفال إذا كان هناك حيوانات أليفة في المنزل ، لأنها قد تشكل خطرا عليهم.
    يساعد السكر على جذب الصراصير ، ويساعد حمض البوريك على قتلها ، لذلك يمكن خلط هاتين المادتين معا لعمل لقاحات للمنزل ، وتخليصه من الصراصير إلى الأبد ونشرها حيث توجد الحشرات. حمض البوريك ليس ساما للإنسان والحيوان ، ولكن يجب إبعاده عن المناطق المفتوحة والأماكن التي يتم علاجها يوميا لتجنب ملامسة اليدين والقدمين والملابس.

    شركة مكافحة حشرات بجازان

  • Hi Drasti, you have an appealing blog and it is simplified to an easy understanding content. I like your subheadings as questions, it makes it engaging and your use of ‘gatekeeping’ as an analogy. Although, I would prefer if you removed the scientific wordings to a more conversational tone to make it more engaging for the readers. Great work overall!

  • Very visually appealing blog Drasti! Great knowledge of pharmacological aspects and use of reputable sources. I like how you broke down the large amount of text into smaller sections to help give the audience a little bit of a break so they don’t get overly confused. However, the language is still very technical, it feels like I’m reading a medical textbook. Try to read other examples of science blogs to understand the general conversational tone that should be used. Also remember to caption the diagrams and fit the blog onto 2 pages. Overall though good work and good luck!

  • You have a very engaging title and I really like your layout, but I think you should perhaps add a colour background to further show that it’s a blog. There was a great use of subheadings that helped me follow and understand the information. Great choice of images

  • Heya Drasti, first and foremost, I like the title and opening paragraph. It’s short, sweet, and to the point on the topic the reader has chosen. I believe that the assignment was targeted more towards the general public, so explaining some of the jargon might ease up the first section, like what you’ve done with GPCRs as the “gatekeepers”, great metaphor used. But after this it looks pretty well done, images are quite clear. Well done!

  • Hi Drasti, I really loved the layout of your blog! All images were equally relevant and decorative. The use of the word ‘gatekeepers’ as an analogy for GPCRs was a great idea and could maybe be played into throughout your article. Otherwise simplifying the language is probably the only thing I would say. Good job!

  • Hi,
    The layout of your blog is really appealing and allows the reader to be easily engaged with the use of diagrams. However, as it is the draft I think you should restructure some phrases to make it easier for the general public to understand. Also, the blog should be 2 pages long and part of your text runs onto the third page. Overall, a very solid blog! 🙂

  • As stated from other comments the science jargon is a bit too much as it is much harder to understand what is happening such as the “GPCR acting drug – Atropine” section. if simplified it will be great to read as for the most part it a great blog with well thought out information.

  • I know we are not supposed to talk too much about the layout but I think your blog is really effective in engaging the reader and you make good use of your visual aids. However, as most of the commenters have said, the technical language is a bit too complex for a layperson to understand which is definitely the biggest aspect you need to work on.

  • Hey Drasti!

    Your layout looks really good, but make sure the text of your blog fits onto 2 pages when you submit your final version!

    I agree with a few of the other commenters – there’s too much scientific jargon in there. If I wasn’t a science student I would have noooo idea what you’re talking about, especially in the “What do these GPCR’s look like?” section.

    I think you just need to simplify some of your info for lay people, other than that it’s looking good 🙂

  • Hi Drasti, the layout is great, simple and effective. The information is relevant, but do every day people know what terms you have used in the first paragraph, perhaps an analogy could be used? I also noted throughout the blog there were a lot of scientific explanations, rather than simplisitc explanation, they could be broken down a bit. Other than that, great start!

  • A solid draft, Drasti. I like the fact that you started with a rhetorical question. This immediately piqued my interest. The inclusion of the ‘DId You Know?’ caption was a great little fun fact, which made the blog that much more interesting. Also, the information flows in a way that is easy to follow. However, while I like the analogy of GCPRs as ‘gatekeepers’, there may be too many scientific jargon that the general public may not know. You might want to explain these in layman’s terms (or provide the definitions as a footnote). Maybe you could also provide captions for the images. Otherwise, good start!

  • Its not an easy topic to present in lay language but there is way too much scientific jargon in there! Ask a friend or relative who does not study science to read the first paragraph and tell you how many words they don’t understand. You might want to think of other ways to talk about subunits and things like that. That’s really the challenge in this type of assignment. You are pretty close but it needs to be interpreted a bit more.

  • Hi Drasti,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. Having the text on one side and then the relevant pictures in line with the text enabled me to relate what I was reading to the accompanying image. Perhaps shorten the last paragraph a little so it doesn’t run onto the same page as your reference list. The references should also be alphabetised.
    Other than that, well done!

  • Your blog is well written,and the use of images was very effective. with your layout you might want to make it so you don’t have part of your blog running onto the same page as your reference list. with your sentence explaining what GCPRs are you might want to rearrange it to explain what each letter stands for before what GCPR’s are.

  • Hi, your blog looks appealing, I like how you structured your blog, it is easy to be followed and all the info you provided easy to be understood. Also, I like how you used the real-life example of text messages on the phone to grab the readers attention. You can improve your blog by adding captions for the diagrams you provided and refer to them in the text, so the reader knows which diagram you are explaining. Also, remember the blog is only two pages so you should have your reference list on the third page. All the best.

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