Organophosphates Blog – Bethany Greentree

(Visited 119 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hi Bethany,
    Well researched blog, also like the analogy.
    Only minor comment would be missing some overall info about other insecticides – as per the dot point “How are insecticides classified?”

  • Thoroughly enjoyed your blog. It was pretty straight-forward and easy to understand. The Traffic analogy was well thought out and explained. Definitely made the complicated ACh system easier to follow. I also liked the Facts you added throughout the blog. Gives the reader the chance to take a short break, while they digest the more complex information.

    Overall, Great job!

  • Hi Bethany,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. It is engaging throughout and delivers a lot of useful information to the reader. However, it can be a little technical at times, for example your example of an organophosphate chemical drawing may be a little complex for the average non-science educated reader.
    I would recommend using a different diagram for your explanation or perhaps draw your own chemical structure that is less ‘sciency’.
    Overall, it is really well formatted with good analogies, and good information.

  • Hi,
    First, the blog looks well organised. Although it contains a lot of complex information, you are able to keep it simple. For example, the analog that you used to describe the functioning of insecticide is brilliant.

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