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  • Hi Briana.

    I really like the blog layout and its super sleek and easy to read. I like the diagrams and the bright colours. I do see that the second page gets more scientific so maybe try and make it more layman’s terms. I don’t agree w/ Krishneel about the chemical structures because if the issue is that its too science-y how can you go on and explain more difficult scientific ideas just to justify having the images of the chemical structures? Perhaps label the images so people know what they are, but the reason for them being there are pretty obvious, they’re there for visual aides.

    All in all very good!

  • Hey Briana, your blog looks great so far! I love your use of diagrams and facts on the side like the “did you know?”. I agree with Krishneel that your second page does lose some interest as you go more on the scientific side rather than keeping it casual like your first page. I think breaking it up with questions like you did for the “I don’t like needles” will help keep audience engagement. Overall, you have a really good blog! Best of luck!

  • Hi Briana,

    Great draft, the layout keeps the reader interested and your use of images on page 1 is very effective. On page 2 however, the images provided no context as no figure legends were used, whenever using chemical structures, give it context, is there a particular component of epinephrine structure that makes it good for IM, why was the chemical structure shown? Does your reader know what it is if no figure legends are provided?

    Some of the references provided are websites, again, the validity can be of question for some, the links to science direct journals can instead of written in UTS harvard style format so it looks cleaner. On page 2, the reader may get dulled by the examples given, possibly keep the engaging tone used on page 1 if possible for your examples.

    Excellent blog draft Briana, keep up this excellent work.

  • Hi Briana,

    A very impressive first draft. The pharmablog title is outstanding and really makes the post feel like a real blog. The text is very succinct and easy to read and has a very casual feel about it. The use of pictures and the “did you know” box effectively conveys the blog format. There is not much I can fault you on!

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