snake-neurotoxins-for-draft by Adithya Raj

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  • 不同国家的学术文化和标准存在差异,尤其是在英美等西方国家,学术论文 有着非常严格的格式和引用规则。许多留学生在本国接受教育时,未曾接触过这些规范,因此在海外求学时,可能对这些规则感到不适应。例如,很多留学生不熟悉APA、MLA、Harvard等引用格式的具体要求,或是不知道如何避免学术抄袭。这些细节虽然在论文写作中占比不大,但若处理不当,可能会直接影响论文的评分,甚至引发学术诚信问题。

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  • It pretty right one and people tell all good things Neurotoxicity in Snake Envenoming – The Science behind the Fatal Snakebite

  • Neurotoxicity in snake envenoming reveals a chilling glimpse into agario the intricate and devastating mechanisms behind fatal snakebites, underscoring the urgent need for advancements in antivenom and treatment strategies to combat this life-threatening condition.

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  • Fascinating read on the science behind neurotoxicity in snake envenoming. Just as quick and appropriate medical intervention is crucial in snakebite cases, efficiency is also essential in fast food service, where timely delivery can significantly impact customer satisfaction. In both fields, rapid response can make all the difference. For an example of how fast service plays a role in customer experience, check out the Wendy’s USA menu: [ ]. It’s interesting to see how different industries prioritize speed to deliver positive outcomes

  • “Fascinating read on the science behind neurotoxicity in snake envenoming. Just as quick and appropriate medical intervention is crucial in snakebite cases, efficiency is also essential in fast food service, where timely delivery can significantly impact customer satisfaction. In both fields, rapid response can make all the difference. For an example of how fast service plays a role in customer experience, check out the Wendy’s USA menu: []. It’s interesting to see how different industries prioritize speed to deliver positive outcomes.”

  • Neurotoxicity in snake envenoming reveals the complex effects of venom on nerve function, often leading to paralysis and respiratory distress. In regions like the Philippines, where snakebite incidents are significant, understanding these neurotoxins is crucial. Access to affordable treatment, including antivenoms, remains a critical challenge, highlighting the need for both scientific advancements and improved healthcare accessibility in affected communities. Readmore at

  • Really like the title. Make sure you direct the content at a general audience, not scientists. It should be easy to understand. Make sure to summarise where you can as well.

  • The blog good in term of structure and layout, however, it does need some changes. There is a lot of scientific jargon which will not be understandable by layperson. Try to simplify your topic as much as you can. using diagram is a great way to explain the text, however your diagram is not clear enough to read. My advice search for clearer. overall, you did well draft good luck.

  • This is a good attempt as a draft, however it does need a bit of work. Like stated before, there is defiantly too much scientific Jargon, remember this is a blog targeted for your every day person. Thus these words or processes need to be simplified! This will ensure that readers will understand and most importantly continue to read your article.
    Back to the point that this is a blog, I believe your layout and colour scheme is a bit boring, laking substance and you would have trouble in grabbing the attention of readers. Try more relatable graphics, or a brighter colour scheme.
    I love that you have made your own diagrams however, they are to complicated for the intended audience.

    Key message, think back to who this blog is intended for (scientists and NON SCIENT

  • Hi Adithya,
    You have a good grasp of the science behind the snake neurotoxins and how they work. Some comments:
    1) Your peers are correct with their comments regarding your use of jargon, simplify things much more – as if you were explaining this to your friend who doesn’t have a science background.
    2) you have quite a lot of text, probably due to the long explanations of the processes. This should be trimmed down and simplified, also your border takes up a lot of space you could otherwise use.
    3) i like the diagrams but they are too small and not clear enough for the reader to take much from them. The NMJ picture on the first page is way too detailed and small.
    4) try dot points and tables of info to break up the text a little more if its still bulky.
    5) Part of the marking criteria you are given mentions you need to maintain reader interest through your language and visuals, make sure you are addressing this when submitting the final.

  • Your information gives a really nice overview of the topic however I think upon first glance it’s a bit text heavy? (likely due to the size of the font). Other readers might also find it hard to understand the information because of the scientific words. I think simplifying terms or making analogies to explain what the scientific jargon would be helpful.

  • I really liked your division of the different topics, which you are writing about. I liked that you started with an overview! But I would already include your focus (pre- and postsynaptic neurotoxins) in the overview, so that the reader is always having a “red thread” about what is important. Figure 1 is not really optimal because there are so many information in there, which aren’t explained (f.e. CAT or SNARE) or which aren’t that important. So the reader may gets confused. Maybe you could simplify them by just showing the essential elements. The same may apply to your painted pictures, I can see a lot of things in there but where exactly act pre- and postsynaptic neurotoxins? I really liked that you draw the pictures by yourself but try to let the reader focus on the main message of them. The same applies to your written text, you tried to put a lot of information in there, but try to focus on key points, so that the reader gets the “red thread”. References are very good, cause you only have Paper!

  • As stated above, I feel the only thing you need to work on here is your scientific jargon, as you have stated that your work is quite rough and you are still formatting. Otherwise, information is good, just make sure you make what you’re saying a bit more clear and concise!

  • Good work, Love that you drew the diagrams but I think there are simpler ones explaining neurotoxins. Also, the information on the second page is too much scientific jargon and some terminology are not explained. The font size and the gaps between each sentence are too little it feels like you have just dumped all the information in. Try using an analogy or ask someone else to read it from a non-scientific background and see which parts they don’t understand. Keep going 🙂

  • Great work so far! The layout is a little distracting, the border on your first page is too large, you have all that space going to waste. This has compromised your font size and I find it hard to focus on your content as it is small and grouped closely together. Good work explaining the science behind the venom but my opinion is dumb it down! Avoid using scientific jargon and explain its method of action in a more simplistic form. It needs to be understood by an educated individual with no prior science knowledge.

  • Nice work. Just one thing, i’ve noticed you have alot of scientific jargon in there, i know its hard to find less scientific focussed language for the public but maybe finding an analogy or even a cartoon or something to keep readers engaged, idk i feel like the text is overpowering a little

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