
So far, just got some information down, did not put it into a blog format yet.

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  • Slope is an online game where you control a ball on a treacherous slope, and avoiding obstacles to achieve the highest score

  • I’ve never heard of nuclear receptors before. Is this something related to Slope Game hormones? I can’t wait to learn more.

  • ‘Nuclear receptors can be described as a family of ligand-regulated transcription factors that are activated by lipid-soluble signals’ is this really language that a lay person could understand? Are you really interpreting science for a lay person? Run this blog past a non-science friend and see how much they understand – I’m guessing, not much. If you use a diagram it should be discussed in the text.

  • Hi Sunny,
    I found your blog to be very interesting and well researched so far. I like the use of colour and diagrams aiding the concepts within your text. Perhaps less scientific terminology could be used so that a much broader audience would be able to understand. However, I think you have done a great job so far!

  • Hi Sunny

    I enjoyed reading your blog, the information is well researched and interesting however try make sure not to use the question in your blog

    I would recommend adding some more images and perhaps make the headings and sub-headings stand out more by using a bigger font and colour. The images you have are great with breaking complex ideas down

  • Hey Sunny, information-wise, I think you have everything you need in order to explain the content well. I do agree with the comments above about being careful with the scientific jargon and stick to a more conversationalist style. Your layout is also quite good – not too wordy, but I would recommend adding some more pictures or colours in your final post to grab the attention of the reader. Overall, a really good start! Good luck!

  • Hi Sunny,

    Information-wise, I think your blog is almost complete. However, you might want to be careful with scientific jargon, which lay readers may not be familiar with. Maybe define some difficult terms or give an analogy that will help the general public to better understand. Apart from this and a little touch-up on the aesthetics of your blog, I think you’ve done a good job!

  • *Hi Sunny! So sorry for that mistake hahah!

  • HI Owen! Your blog looks very nice and from what I’ve read, it sounds very informative. My understanding of the assignment is that the blog should be targeted towards someone without any scientific knowledge. I don’t think that everyone would know what a transmembrane protein is so I’m not sure about adding that to the title. You also haven’t explained what receptors are (again, I’m not sure how basic everything should be but I’ve explained simple things like enzymes). Also, Ken recommended that we do number in-text referencing rather than worded in-text referencing. Good luck with your final blog!

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