
(Visited 112 times, 1 visits today)
  • Hi Samuel,

    The blog you have written is well structured and easy to follow along. In particular the opening paragraph is great and draws the reader in. However, I think you should caption your figures even when you reference them in the text as it provides legitimacy. I think the way you have mentioned the therapeutic index is really uncomplicated and the addition of that graph aids to inform those unfamiliar with the content. I found the self-dosage portion of the blog really insightful with a couple of relevant figures to go with it. You have included alot of facts and figures which I love. Maybe another image would be nice to break up the text a bit more, but not necessary.

    Good luck!

  • Hi Samuel, It’s a great blog, well structured and concise. It also draws the reader’s attention especially the opening paragraph. It is easy to follow as the language isn’t complicated and it is visually uncluttered which is good at maintaining the engagement of the reader. The graph is good in supporting your written content. Great work overall.

  • Hi Samuel, I really like the formatting and layout structure of your blog. The writing style is very easy to understand by the general audience. Great job on the title, very catchy and draws the reader right in. You can make your blog more engaging by adding appropriate images, adding caption for the graph and list of references. Other than that, well done on your draft and good luck 🙂

  • Hi Samuel,

    I really liked your blog from start to finish. Great title and opening paragraph. Since panadol is something everyone uses it makes it very engaging.
    I liked the font you used and that it was quite big- so it wasn’t an overwhelming amount of information.
    I do think the LD50 and ED50 therapeutic section might be able to be described even more simply, but understand that is hard to do.

    Also maybe add another interesting fact or picture at the end of the second page.
    But amazing work- one of the better blogs I have read 🙂

  • Hi Samuel,
    Your blog looks great and I was enticed to begin reading it from the title. The pictures are good and the info is written in an engaging way. Overall hard to give any negatives!

  • Yes I’ve realised I’ve completely forgot to add my reference page to the final document so thank for picking that up!

  • super engaging and eye catching title! the style of writing is very relatable and interesting for the reader! really great work! well structured and the questions and did you knows are great addition. Only other feedback (I might just be missing them??) but I can’t seem to see your references anywhere? Otherwise really great job!

  • Immediately drawn to your blog because of the title! I like the layout and the introduction makes it very relevant. Very informative and engaging – I had no idea about the potential toxicity of paracetamol! The ‘Did you know?’ facts were a great addition and ensures the reader remains engaged throughout your blog.

  • amazing blog, well done, everything is appealing starting with your title and the picture that you put. very well structured and good use of questions as your headings.
    great work:)

  • This is a really good article. The title immediately draws you in and you’re not disappointed as you begin to read it. Really engaging, informative and easy to understand. Formatting and images supplement the information. Really good article.

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