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  • Hi Maddison,

    Excellent layout overall! And great use of colour! Very eye catching! I think the title of your blogs needs working, as for me, it doesn’t quite draw the reader to your blog, as much as what your colour scheme does. Your content is great, but, more use of conversational English would be great! It is slightly too academic, and that’s not how a blog should be like. However, you have explained, thoroughly, the concepts regarding your topic – which shows that you have understood your topic in depth. Try to evenly distribute the information you have provided.
    Overall, great job!

  • Hi Maddison, you blog looks amazing with excellent structure, layout and format and images used. so, well done on that. However, I do agree with other feedback’s with few scientific jargon so, work on making the writing more simpler with analogies. The other thing is, the diagram underneath the “how are they classified?” is a bit unclear. other than that, amazing blog. Good luck 🙂

  • How’s about a catchy title that fits the blog and also makes you want to read it.
    ‘Nuclear receptors are a superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors’ I think everyone used that phrase and its really meaningless to most people! Give this blog to a parents or friend and ask them how much they understand. It’s all in text book language. The challenge is to understand it well enough to explain it in lay terms. You’ve done the research now do the interpretation. The research is good just make it all understandable – your own interpretation in your own words.

  • Hey Maddison! The way you’ve structured your blog is really helpful in engaging interest with your audience and I found it really easy to understand the mentioned concepts. There is a lot going on but you managed to evenly break up text with colour and calculated use of diagrams, really loving this work!

  • I like the colour schemes on the blog but it feels a bit too crowded. maybe you can rearrange a few of the images so it spaces out some of the paragraphs.

  • These a lot happening in this blog but I think you’ve done a good job breaking it up with pictures, diagrams and boxes. Like other people have said too much jargon, make sure you explain the terms you’re using.

  • Hi Maddison,

    I really like the layout of your blog! The use of text boxes to separate out some of the important information is a great idea. I agree with Rafal that a more engaging title would be good. I know you’ve mentioned it was hard to reword such complex ideas but I think for the most part you have done well. Like Ayesha said just a little too much scientific jargon.

  • Hi Maddison, there is a lot of scientific jargon, if you could break it down a bit throughout the paragraphs, perhaps use analogies instead. Other than that, I agree with Rafal’s comment on the figures and the paragraph structure as well. The layout is great. Other than that good progress!

  • Hi Maddison,

    I would suggest adding a unique title next to the main heading “Nuclear receptors”, in order to catch the reader’s attention. Also, adding an introductory sentence/paragraph would be good to give a feeling of an internet blog (rather than just scientific-info). In terms of layout, I think it looks good. It is just the overall engagement concept that you may be lacking. You have the main information, but try to add more appealing subheadings. For example, you have “APPLICATIONS IN THE HUMAN BODY:”, this can be edited for a better and more engaging subheading. Lastly, at the end of the 2nd page, you have a pink box, which is talking about the future of nuclear receptors, but it also has a figure title. I am not sure why is the figure title in the same box with the other paragraph, it seems confusing.

    Overall good effort. Good luck!

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